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I hear crickets . . .

Ed Zeppelin

Active Member
3 Year Member
Hi everyone, I saw a web site that sells 500 "feeding" crickets for about $15. Now it's not about the dinero but I was wondering if that kind of quantity is for breeders or if you like to collect Ts. I can get 50 crickets at a local bait shop for $3. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanx.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
It is a good amount of crickets if you have a large collection, for small collections it would be pointless since they die off quickly. However I wouldn't spend that much on crickets because they stink and as I said already, they die off quickly. Mealworms, superworms and dubia roaches are much better alternatives. I would get the 50 crickets instead of the 500, especially if you plan to feed soon after purchase.

From one of your other posts I gather you have no tarantulas currently? If so 50 may be a bit much for a small collection. I have tarantulas a various sizes. I don't feed my tarantulas crickets very often (except for the slings who get one cricket or cricket parts twice a week), but when I do 50 is enough to feed most of my collection.
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Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
I pay$10.00 for 200 crickets....$15.00 for 500 would be a good price. I don't keep crickets though...they stink. When I buy them they are gone that day. That website is probably focusing on reptile owners.

Ed Zeppelin

Active Member
3 Year Member
It is a good amount of crickets if you have a large collection, for small collections it would be pointless since they die off quickly. However I wouldn't spend that much on crickets because they stink and as I said already, they die off quickly. Mealworms, superworms and dubia roaches are much better alternatives. I would get the 50 crickets instead of the 500, especially if you plan to feed soon after purchase.

From one of your other posts I gather you have no tarantulas currently? If so 50 may be a bit much for a small collection. I have tarantulas a various sizes. I don't feed my tarantulas crickets very often (except for the slings who get one cricket or cricket parts twice a week), but when I do 50 is enough to feed most of my collection.

Ed Zeppelin

Active Member
3 Year Member
This will be my first T. I'll try the worms in the beginning. Sounds like less hassle and NO stink. Thanx.

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