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I have a curly hair tarantula


Active Member
I'm lucky that my girl hasn't tried making for me i fed her tonight but she may eat later i am new to tarantula keeping
I am sure you will enjoy keeping tarantulas its really fun experience :) if she doesnt eat though there are couple of reasons that I will mention to you in case as a reminder.. tarantulas sometimes go on fasting periods when they refuse to eat food from just a couple of months to sometimes full year they just refuse eating food but you should still offer food every week because there is no really clear way to know when the tarantula is no longer fasting, because when tarantula is fasting they are not hungry but the moment they stop it then they do need food so its always beneficial to offer food even if they just dont eat it. That's one possibility but other ones are maybe she is in premolt and tarantulas stop eating food when in premolt as well and while they are in premolt they are getting ready to change their skin to grow bigger because thats how they can only grow, you can tell when they are in premolt by abdomen looks bluish/purplish and very shiny (this only applies to new worlds because old world tarantulas do not get abdomen like that) and at this time period for tarantulas it is very important to increase humidity more than you normally do by keeping the water dish full at all times, soak the substrate where her water dish is located at to increase the humidity and do not disturb her cage because tarantulas are very sensitive to their surroundings so that might stress her and stress is really bad for a tarantula that is about to molt. Other reason why she might not eat is because the food you give her might be way too big for her so she may refuse the food for that reason and the last reason is which I hope nobody gets because its horrible thing but the last reason is that she has impaction and when tarantula has impaction they can stop eating food and they also wont be able to poop out like they normally are able to and if you see her back of abdomen white its her old poop dried out there and it is deadly problem for a tarantula. Sorry for long messaging but I figured listing these is perfect things to know when the tarantula doesnt eat so you are able to figure out the reasons yourself when they just arent eating. I hope you are having a great day friend! :)


Active Member
thankyou so much it is nice to have some help because i am new to this ,i hope i do well i just want to give her the best start in her life
It is great that you care about her :) if you have any questions about anything I would be very happy to help you with them as long as my knowledge allows me to answer the question, the curly hair t.albopilosum that you have chosen is great species so you started with really good beginner species that will allow you to understand how to work with tarantulas and they are usually calm so that helps their care become easier for a beginner but there are some curly hairs that arent so nice they can be pretty defensive as well that is why its NEVER a good idea to bring your finger near any tarantula because if they are defensive or if they mistake your finger with a food they will bite you. While their venom is not deadly it still can be painful experience :) did she ever molt in your care yet or you just got her recently? :)


Active Member
I just recieved her today but im so happy that i have her i see her as my baby girl lol
Yeah you will love her alot, curly hair are really beautiful species to have :) they are also great hair kickers so did she ever kick hairs at you yet? while I mentioned her kicking hairs i remembered to mention you is new worlds have these hairs on their body when they kick them at you it makes your skin incredibly itchy if they get on you so the best thing to do is wash your skin with mild soap with warm water and it might be itchy but just dont scratch your skin because hairs can make your skin take longer to heal from the hairs