Because i want a boyfriend to my female - She wants to be a motherAs a sling it is impossible to sex a tarantula. May I ask why you prefer a male as they have such a short lifespan compared to the females?
no, she's not ready. She is a 30 moths old. L want to buy a male baby to her. I know that it will take time.
My prpblem is : how can i have more probability to buy male baby if we can't know if a baby is male ou female ? maybe a darker baby is male ?
A juvi is a juvenile and an MM is a mature maleThe problem is that i'm moving and it ll be more dificult to me to buy a tarantula later.
What is juvi or MM ?
Si ce n'est pas indiscret, ou vas-tu emmenager? C'est tres simple d'avoir des migales delivrees directement chez toi ou que tu sois dans le monde (Je suis aux Etats-Unis).Merci pour la réponse !!!!