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I found this little Hogna sp. beauty while mowing yesterday. It's body was a little over an inch long and had two gorgeous yellow stripes on its ventral side.
Yay! I love these guys. We have several Hogna species around here. I found one in the drive the other day (and of course I didn't have my phone so I could take pics). I am pretty sure it was a MM on the hunt for a lady as he was doing an interesting tapping dance thing.
These guys are all over the place right now. This one appeared female, most likely mature, but not quite full grown. Found one a few years ago that had a near two inch body and was loaded with little ones.
Just picked up my first two Hogna sp. They are the coolest spiders I have. Being day hunters, they are one of the few inverts that I have that can be counted on to show off when someone wants to see my spider room during the daylight hours. If you have never seen a Hogna eat, you haven't seen anything yet. Incredible hunters.