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Hi from Wales


New Member
Wales, UK
Hi everyone, long time lurker, my name is Mike, just trying to prepare for my first tarantula, after reading the forum for a long time with lots of debating, I've decided on a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens as I'm only planning on having 1 T as my wife and daughter are terrified of spiders. I'm planning on buying a juvenile around 6-8 cm diagonal leg span from The spider shop, I'd like to know what everyone's opinion on this set up is, I may add a plant or some more leaves to the front left hand area, I really can't wait to get my first T as I've had numerous reptiles over the years but never a tarantula.


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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Hi Mike, welcome to the hobby. :)
I bet your wife and daughter will soon become fascinated by it and you'll end up getting more. I speak from experience having been terrified of spiders all my life until my son got a tarantula and I became hooked, I now have 50.


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3 Year Member
Greetings and welcome aboard!

The pictures aren't the greatest, but here is my enclosure. Mine is around 4 or 5 cm. I did a side and top down view to show you that A) they web the crap out of the entire enclosure and B) mine stays at the top most of the time.

I hear they get less arboreal and more terrestrial as they grow, but who knows when they'll make that decision. Your enclosure looks great, but it is all going to get webbed over eventually. I didn't anticipate mine liking to hide on the black part of the lid.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Welcome to the forum.
getting unsexed juvenile from TSS you can end up with a male.
If you are having only 1 tarantula get sexed young female from CFTN as he has them on sale now.
Price difference is only £15 ish and you will be enjoying your spider longer.
Enclosure looks ok but you don't need so much substrate. GBBs won't burrow and will use extra height in an enclosure.2-3 cm of dry substrate is more than enough for the species. I will take some of this substrate out.
Regards Konstantin


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I concur with those above, especially about getting a female. And I think you will find a way to convince yourself and others that one T is not enough.

Oh, and thanks for thinking ahead and preparing for your T. I think it says a lot about you and how you will care for it.


New Member
Wales, UK
Thanks for all the advice guys, I've taken some substrate out, so there's only about 3cm's left in the enclosure. Also thanks for the heads up about buying a confirmed female from Creatures from the north, I've just messaged them to see if I order today when I can expect delivery as I work odd shifts and want to ensure that I am home for delivery


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Norwich, UK
I'm only planning on having 1 T as my wife and daughter are terrified of spiders.

Welcome to the hobby & the forum.

When I got my first T, my youngest daughter threatened not to enter the room it was in & leave home if it ever escaped. Now she has her own T's & is a very competent sexer of molts. And my eldest daughter's partner is terrified of spiders. Or she was. She still does not like spiders very much. But she has handled a couple of our T's & has no fear of spiders any more, just a dislike of small house ones.

I have a few real spiders & my first was a gift from a friend. She simply hated it. She had kept T's for several years & found a big difference between spiders & tarantulas, so hopefully, your wife & daughter will soon find your GBB to be as lovely as you, soon.

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