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Hi all


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I've been keeping Ts for just 9 months. My son began by getting a G. rosea and a P. vittata and although I have always been terrified of spiders I decided to get myself one in the hope I would overcome my fears. I began with a juvi OBT female and now have 17 from the tiniest sling to the OBT. Now I'm fine with the Ts even having one run across my hand didn't bother me but I'm still scared of those spiders in the house, stupid I know , maybe one day I'll overcome it..

This is what I have:-
P. murinus Usambara female
P. metallica - around 2 inches
L. parahybana x 2 - both around 3 inches
H. incei x 3 - all about 1 inch
C. schioedtei
B. albopilosum
C. fasciatum
O. diamantinensis
B. smithi x 2
P. irminia
L. sp. "Borneo Black"
K. brunnipes x 2 - both around a 0.25 of an inch


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Welcome to the forum. Your collection is pretty impressive hopefully it will continue to grow..

Thank you. I'm very happy with those I have and unless something really grabs me I don't foresee getting any more. I intend to enjoy watching those I have grow plus I don't have room for any more.