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Hello Tarantula Forum

Matt S.

New Member
3 Year Member
Central Oklahoma
Hey everyone, my name is Matt. I am currently knee deep in research on purchasing my first tarantula. I have always wanted to keep one (I actually wanted to be an arachnologist as a kid), but between living with arachnophobic parents, and in residence halls in college it never seemed reasonable. Now, after several years of persistent persuasion, my wife has agreed to enable my interest.

I have been lurking on this, and other, forums for awhile, and have been reading material from Tom's Big Spiders and other sources. I am hoping to make my purchase around the end of this month (I live in Oklahoma and there is a Reptile Expo here on January 27th.)

I have a short list of tarantula slings I am considering for my first purchase, including but not limited to Brachypelma Albopilosum, GBB, and Grammostola Pulchripes.

There is still a ton I need to learn, but I feel the vast amount of information related to these relatively alien beauties is what makes this hobby so compelling.

I'll probably be dropping specific questions in relevant threads as they come up. I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself, and thank you for the information you all have already provided on this site, and thank you in advance for all the help I am sure you will provide in the future. It doesn't take a long time lurking in the forums to see that you have built a really great community here, and I can't tell you how much i appreciate that as a Newbie.

Thanks all!


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Hi Matt, welcome :).
Personally I'd choose the B. albopilosum simply because as slings they are little bulldozers, constantly rearranging their burrows but once grown they are constantly on view.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
I second the B. albopilosum, it was my first back in 2014. The GBB is great also. Both are great choices:

So I will finish up by saying welcome to the forum and when you get your eight legged addition, welcome to the hobby. I can guarantee you will end up with more in no time.


Active Member
3 Year Member
Northern Ireland
I wouldn't get a sling, not really an interesting way to start the hobby. I'd get a juvenile or SA/A as a starter. Will be more interesting to admire than a sling that will most likely borrow and won't be able to be seen at all. Beginner slings are cheap anyway and you may as well get that along with a larger tarantula if your wife allows you :D It would be good to have one sling just so you can experience raising one from young. Then again, you'll have to take into consideration to cover the expenses of buying small and larger food size. Idk, I'm a rambling *****. Just thought I'd give my opinion. Though good luck with your first tarantula! I would choose the green bottle blue :)
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Well-Known Member
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Baltimore MD
Almost everyone who has A geniculata likes them. Lasiodoras are also a good possibility. Both of these are terrestrial, hardy and have great appetites. The shouldn't be handled however.

Look at people's collections here and what they actually own and why.

The conventional wisdom is that curly hairs or pink zebra beauties are the best first ones and that they can usually be handled.

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