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Gyna centurio (:


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
thats where i was looking, good to know...now...the question is, what is my family going to say when I start buying organic veggies for the big old ugly roach in his/her custom container ....0.o


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3 Year Member
just feed them scraps from lunch or dinner. That's what i do for my colony. I had pizza last night but i forgot to save a piece for them lol next time i'll have to see if they like it ;)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
thats where i was looking, good to know...now...the question is, what is my family going to say when I start buying organic veggies for the big old ugly roach in his/her custom container ....0.o

Lol, the only veggies I ever really feed my roaches are carrots. Honestly you don't need to bother getting the organic stuff, it is not necessarily better for them.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
The only qualm I have about Roach crossing is the prices, he is charging a lot for some of the newer species in the hobby. I mean $100 for 12 nymphs of Gyna centurio, compared to Cape cod roaches who is selling 10 nymphs for $35! I mean really?!


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Lol, the only veggies I ever really feed my roaches are carrots. Honestly you don't need to bother getting the organic stuff, it is not necessarily better for them.
I buy organic for my middle boy who is a vegetarian anyway, just habit to get things that I know aren't full of pesticides, ^^


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
I buy organic for my middle boy who is a vegetarian anyway, just habit to get things that I know aren't full of pesticides, ^^

Oh cool, me and my family are vegan, I've been a vegan all my life! The thing about organic veggies is that they still have pesticides, they just have different requirements for what pesticides they use.


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3 Year Member
absolutely agree with that, most of our stuff is local, I try when I'm able to get heirloom things as well. Something about seeds that wont grow doesnt sit well with me....:p
I could always resort to pizza like a couple other folks on here we wont mention by name <.<



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
absolutely agree with that, most of our stuff is local, I try when I'm able to get heirloom things as well. Something about seeds that wont grow doesnt sit well with me....:p
I could always resort to pizza like a couple other folks on here we wont mention by name <.<


Hopefully it won't come to that, I can't imagine pizza is the healthiest thing you could be feeding your roaches! :p And why would you want to feed something as good as pizza to your roaches!? Let them have the veggies and the dog food, and keep the good tasting food to yourself! ;)


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
Lol, guys, I only give them stuff like that occasionally, and I found out if you do it too much your enclosure will start to stink..I just had to clean my dubia colony for the first time. You really don't want to have to sift nymphs out of substrate and frass..it's rather tedious. Though I've seen no other ill effect from it. My spiders and roaches are as healthy as always :) But yeah, it makes a certain smell start to take over the enclosure, then the area..I should have been more clear when I mentioned it, and followed up and let ya'll know. Sorry :)


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Lol, guys, I only give them stuff like that occasionally, and I found out if you do it too much your enclosure will start to stink..I just had to clean my dubia colony for the first time. You really don't want to have to sift nymphs out of substrate and frass..it's rather tedious. Though I've seen no other ill effect from it. My spiders and roaches are as healthy as always :) But yeah, it makes a certain smell start to take over the enclosure, then the area..I should have been more clear when I mentioned it, and followed up and let ya'll know. Sorry :)
never assumed it was a steady diet, mostly just poking fun at you guys ^.~
figure I'll get a sample bag of good quality dog food and crush it up,
along with veggies and they should be fine,
not going to attempt anything that needs a specialized diet, only leaves I have around are pecan :p


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
Lol, guys, I only give them stuff like that occasionally, and I found out if you do it too much your enclosure will start to stink..I just had to clean my dubia colony for the first time. You really don't want to have to sift nymphs out of substrate and frass..it's rather tedious. Though I've seen no other ill effect from it. My spiders and roaches are as healthy as always :) But yeah, it makes a certain smell start to take over the enclosure, then the area..I should have been more clear when I mentioned it, and followed up and let ya'll know. Sorry :)

In the few cases I have had to clean out containers, it has always been torture to separate every SINGLE roach I can find, it takes hours.

That's why I hate mite infestations, if it gets really bad, you gotta clean out the container. :mad: Luckily a huge mite explosion has not happened in a while, the mites I have seem to stay at a certain number and then dwindle down. I have the feeling they are predatory, they always do best in enclosures that have springtails in them. Sorry for the rant! :p


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
never assumed it was a steady diet, mostly just poking fun at you guys ^.~
figure I'll get a sample bag of good quality dog food and crush it up,
along with veggies and they should be fine,
not going to attempt anything that needs a specialized diet, only leaves I have around are pecan :p

You don't need to crush the dog food, mine eat it just fine when the pieces are whole, even in a dry container.


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
I use pre-made chow for my colony. Fluker's calcium fortified gut load cricket food, along with fluker's water gel. Seems to keep my roaches nice and plump. I also give them a couple baby carrots or veggie scraps from cooking once or twice a week depending. My colony is only 250(ish) but with that and the 25 or so cleaner bugs in it i haven't noticed much of a smell. Might try some springtails too just to see if that helps keep up with the waste the colony is producing.

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