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Gyna centurio (:


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3 Year Member
You guys know anything about these guys? Especially @Hisserdude
They are sooo pretty!
Guessing they have specific care requirements, going to look but feel free to chime in with any info


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
They don't seem to be too hard to keep, they are considered "intermediary" for Gyna. They apparently like an aeriated substrate, I would use a mix of coconut fiber and some kind of mulch. I am hoping to get some of these later this year, they seem like a really cute species! :D


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3 Year Member
think they are really pretty, was checking places for feeders and saw these, got lost looking at pet roaches instead of feeders lol


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Thinking about it,
I had some issues with my cats going on a rampage and nearly lost all my slings :/ :mad: they somehow knocked my entire shelf down, had to redo all my enclosures.
I don't love the cats to begin with although I take very good care of them. Moved all my T's into the living room, my family isnt impressed.
Going to try to get a couple though.


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Outside San Antonio, TX
Kymura, if you want pet roaches, I suggest the Hisser genera. I'm looking at G oblongonata right now, the wide horned hisser. Very pretty roaches, the largest non hybrid hisser. I'm hesitating to get them because I'd have to make a new enclosure, and I'm out of space again. I can't put them with my E javanica/G portentosa communal because they will breed with the Madagascan hissers. You might look at Halloween hissers as well..I'm very pleased with mine. But if you're looking for small cute roaches, look at the Therea in Hisserdude's pic thread. Cutest roaches ever :)


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think I just want a couple big ones, that's where my mind is going anyway. I have huge problems with even feeding them the dubia, just don't want to be overrun with them.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
think I just want a couple big ones, that's where my mind is going anyway. I have huge problems with even feeding them the dubia, just don't want to be overrun with them.

In my experience, most roaches don't seem to outgrow their enclosures. I keep almost all my roaches in 128 fl oz containers, and I only have three species in larger containers, (my Rhabdoblatta are in a 24 qt bin, and my hissers and horseshoe crabs roaches are in containers less than half that size). A few of my species may need ro be re-housed as the start breeding, like my Blaberus species, but most of my roaches have been content with the medium sized containers I use for them. I keep my surinam roaches in one of the medium sized containers, there are probably well over a hundred roaches crawling around in there, and there does not seem to be any signs of overcrowding.

And I just realized, this is in the tarantula forum! :D


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bah, nobody seems to mind or has noticed, mod can move it over if its a problem, Have a couple dubia living in my porteri's enclosure,
she runs from them, & they are so dang cute I just leave them there and give them a scrap of food once in a while,
shes well over 5 inches and just molted so I'm completely not worried about them being in there :p
Whats the biggest most unique looking hisser? and could I house them in a small/medium kritter keeper? (because they are cheap and easy to clean)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
bah, nobody seems to mind or has noticed, mod can move it over if its a problem, Have a couple dubia living in my porteri's enclosure,
she runs from them, & they are so dang cute I just leave them there and give them a scrap of food once in a while,
shes well over 5 inches and just molted so I'm completely not worried about them being in there :p
Whats the biggest most unique looking hisser? and could I house them in a small/medium kritter keeper? (because they are cheap and easy to clean)

The biggest hissers are the Gromphadorhina oblongonata, the most unique looking one in my opinion is Aeluropoda insignis. I wouldn't ever recommended a critter keeper for any roach unless you were only keeping adults and not trying to breed them, otherwise it is just asking for the babies to escape. Even if they were adults, most critter keepers I've seen have pretty flimsy lids, lots of roaches species, even adults can get through the gap.

I would go with a plastic storage container with a airtight lid. Also you don't really need to clean roach containers like, ever, unless there is a mite infestation or something.


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
I just took a second look at the flat horn, they are good looking, and I might try a few with my portentosa/javanica communal..you guys are enablers. Its Sunday too..I could add them to my ivory order, it hasn't been prepared yet..


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Idaho, USA
I just took a second look at the flat horn, they are good looking, and I might try a few with my portentosa/javanica communal..you guys are enablers. Its Sunday too..I could add them to my ivory order, it hasn't been prepared yet..

You should get them, they are quite interesting. I used to have three males as pets, they were really cool. They lived about 2-3 years as adults, and they loved to hiss! :)