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GBB Sling Trouble W/ Molt


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lake Elsinore, CA
Hi there everyone

Hoping I can get a little advice. I came home yesterday about 5pm PST to find my GBB sling having it's first molt in my care ( I've had it for 2 weeks) - this has to be the fastest molt I have ever watched literally 20 minutes and it was done. I Haven't been able to remove the exo because I thought it was sitting on it which I have had T's do in the past so I thought leave it alone- when I woke up this am I noticed it was moving around the tank as normal webbing but dragging the entire exo behind it, there appears to be a tiny little bit still attached to it's abdomen at the very tail end ( Sorry no pictures I am at work) - This is a first for me in all my years of keeping T's. I am not sure if I should leave it alone for another few days to see if it works it's exo off on it's own Or if I need to intervene? Any advice would be extremely helpful. Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Hi welcome to the forum,
Regarding the stuck exo you can try using a damp cotton swab and try to dampen the exo where it's stuck then try gently pulling it with a pair of tweezers and it should come off I've done this with bits of stuck exos before and managed to get them off,it could be quite tricky if your sling is really small though.
Anyway best of luck and let us know how you get on.......


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lake Elsinore, CA
Thank you Ghost I will try this out if it's still not off when I get home. Should I wait another few days until the new exo hardens so I do not risk injury? I may also just cut as much off as I can and let it sort the rest out after another molt.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Thank you Ghost I will try this out if it's still not off when I get home. Should I wait another few days until the new exo hardens so I do not risk injury? I may also just cut as much off as I can and let it sort the rest out after another molt.

Yeah you can give it a try when you get home as it should be easier to get it off before it completely hardens up,if you take your time and are very gentle you should avoid injury to the T......


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lake Elsinore, CA
Yeah you can give it a try when you get home as it should be easier to get it off before it completely hardens up,if you take your time and are very gentle you should avoid injury to the T......

Fantastic! Thank you - I will most definitely try when I get home- Fingers crossed as this will be the first time I attempt something like this and on a sling no less :) Hoping to come back with a great update. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Fantastic! Thank you - I will most definitely try when I get home- Fingers crossed as this will be the first time I attempt something like this and on a sling no less :) Hoping to come back with a great update. Thanks again!
Let us know how u make out.:) good luck


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lake Elsinore, CA
Success! Your advice was spot on, got a few hairs kicked at me which was rather adorable soon as I used the tweezers it pulled away from me and came right off. Zero injury happy T. Thanks again Ghost!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lake Elsinore, CA


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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Success! Your advice was spot on, got a few hairs kicked at me which was rather adorable soon as I used the tweezers it pulled away from me and came right off. Zero injury happy T. Thanks again Ghost!
Great news! I'm glad everything went well for you and the little guy.....

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