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I have an adult 4 in a half Arizona Blond and a 5 in a half adult Cobalt Blue tarantula, does anyone know where I can buy Feeder Roaches that could feed these size T's?
You have many options for feeder roaches. It's going to be trial and error to see what your Ts will go after. I have some that won't touch a dubia but will go after nearly anything else.
One other option is to visit your local reptile show. We have one here locally every second week in Wheaton, IL. They sell every type of roach in a wide variety of quantities so you can see before you buy. They can also share information with you and answer questions. Also sell waxworms, superworms, mealworms, pinkies, silk worms, hornworms, and crickets in every size known to mankind. There is one this Saturday. A bit far for you but if you are ever in the area, check it out: