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Enclosure ventilation with computer fans


new york
I have my adult Avicularia in ExoTerra Nano, while I replaced the top lid I didn't risk to drill the glass sides and I was suggested that the ventilation would be bad. I also live in New York and not far from the ocean, so the humidity is pretty high so I use mini computer fan to blow air into the enclosure to help with ventilation and the humidity.


While I am not sure if it's good or bad, it definitely helps with the ventilation and both of my Avic's juvenile and adult are seem to be totally fine with it. They don't seem to be affected in terms of being scared or attracted to it.

I found a blower fan of about the same size, and a micro air pump - is that something anyone uses or would use?


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I prefer screened lids, see here

No tarantula will tolerate air blowing for very long before becoming stressed/over sensitized. Their setae are sensory perceptors that can sense micro air current changes 3,000x more acutely than we can. Blow a puff of air at any of your tarantulas and watch them react.

Humidity is what it is. If it's ambient and natural, and not a sauna, most will adapt, as long as there is good ventilation and natural air flow, they will be fine. Wind tunnels and sweat boxes, not so much.

Make sense? Loose the fan. Sorry for being terse.

Ps. Where in NY?


new york
Blow a puff of air at any of your tarantulas and watch them react.

thats how I actually check if they’re hungry - not sure how the others, but mine jump on where I blown to look for food

There is no natural air flow on where they are, I’m in New York, it’s pretty humid and now it’s also cold, so they’re in the room that does have open window from time to time, without direct flow on the cage, but that’s it.

If you see, the fan covers 2-4 holes, so it doesn’t blow too much, and I don’t use it daily, but I got your point, will take it off!


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I grew up in New York, near the LI Sound; I'm well familiar with humidity. Still wouldn't use a fan blowing directly into an enclosure like that. Ambient airflow in an entire room, yes.


new york
I had a bit different setup before with the mini fan nearby cage but not blowing directly in the holes/inside cage, when it got broken I decided to update the setup with these. I guess I’ll get back to the old thing.


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And by the Ocean, so I get a bit extra humidity that was getting me worried
Where do avicularia sp typically come from?

The avicularia sp typically come from tropical climates like Costa Rica, the Caribbean and South America - plenty of humidity, storms and hurricanes. Your room in Brooklyn is a piece of cake for them if you do your part.
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Pretty sure it’s not cages with stale air, so I worry about mine, but I take the word of an expert!
I'm no expert, I just have a bunch of them for years now. I manage to keep them alive and breed them from time to time. Truth be known, I lost my first avic unexpectedly, an Avicularia versicolor; it was devastating - but I was determined to try again and get it right.


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Here's a little something I put together a while back


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Queens, NY
In addition to all the reasons these two gentlemen mentioned above, even the quietest fan will generate vibrations throughout the enclosure. Definitely not a pleasant detail for your T.
We are neighbors, if you wish you could come over to check out different kind of setup at our place.

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