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Editing posts?


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Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 11.30.17 AM.png
It's the one that says Edit lol


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3 Year Member
It doesn't even show up for me at all.
If you are a Tarantula Club Member (premium) you have up to 15 minutes I believe to edit any single post you have made. You can contact the mods if you need to change and I am sure they will help.

Unfortunately there were some unsavoury posts by members that are thankfully no longer here so maybe over time we will all get the option back (even if just edit only and not delete?) so that when we make simple spilling mistaarks (like that) we dont have to go back and try to get others to understand us.

@Josh, @Enn49 do we know how long we are all on probation or like Covid, is this the new norm? :D :D

I think the edit within 15 mins without an option for deleting is possibly a good compromise? ..along with the ability to make sure certain words never appear also. Just a thought?
Personally makes no difference to me as premium member but thinking of the greater good of our community.


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@Phil and his spilling mistaarks are half the problem
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hopefully irony was not lost here with my deliberate example....ha ha

Maybe being naive here but 99% of members would want to edit for purely innocent reasons. So IMHO edit feature within 15 mins is reasonable for all members (with certain words already a no no that never appear anyway) but NOBODY has the option to delete as that is a mod/admin privilege either under OP request; or reported by other members as being potentially offensive/inappropriate.

I think the bad apples have been eliminated now (much credit to mods for that btw) and so lets just get back to 'normal' with some lesser restrictions like I have suggested, and all individually take responsibility in making sure we adhere to forum rules and guidance so we can get back to the fantastic family community this has always been.

It's certaintly why I stay here and enjoy posting.....with or without my 'spilling mistaarks' ;) ha ha


Staff member
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Norwich, UK
A magic forum I am a member of had some issues with someone about a week ago. He had some form of issue. An argument within a thread, I believe. So he decided. From what I have heard. To spend a lot of time editing some of his past posts into new & offensive posts.

And a radio forum I was involved with several years ago had someone who left after a dispute & he went through all of his old posts & deleted them, leaving many old threads making no sense at all.

Having a time limit on the edit ability makes perfect sense, from what I can see.

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