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Basic comparison between the normal red P.murinus compared to the dark P.murinus and the third spider is a cross between a RCF and DCF. The third one looks a bit like TCF. Would be interesting to see the ranges of the 3 forms to see if TCF is the crossover between RCF and DCF.
I will see about more photos, since if you see this close up there is definite darkening of the lower front legs. I'm not well accustomed with these,but with the others I have seen I haven't seen this. Also I've never seen the DCF form, quite interesting.
The DCF is quite unique. Seems these were the first murinus in the hobby years ago, till someone introduced the RCF. Everyone lost interest in the DCF and it has pretty much vanished in the hobby. Been offered big bucks for these by some European hobbyists.