I have had a C. Versicolor sling for about 6 months now, and it is about 1.25"- 1.5" / 3-4cm, and I had it housed in a tall plastic cup until now when I felt it was too big and it became dangerous to feed it without risk of escape.
So, I purchased an Exo-Terra Nano Tall enclosure, which is 20x20x30cm, and I know that is quite big for it right now I feel like it will grow into it fast and I have decorated it very nicely.
However, the enclosure has a steel-mesh top, and so my question is, how big of a problem / danger is the mesh, and what should I do if it is deemed too much of a danger?
I have researched a lot and very few people have had Ts escape by chewing through the mesh due to it taking a while so you have time to act, but I'm curious of people's experiences.
I have had a C. Versicolor sling for about 6 months now, and it is about 1.25"- 1.5" / 3-4cm, and I had it housed in a tall plastic cup until now when I felt it was too big and it became dangerous to feed it without risk of escape.
So, I purchased an Exo-Terra Nano Tall enclosure, which is 20x20x30cm, and I know that is quite big for it right now I feel like it will grow into it fast and I have decorated it very nicely.
However, the enclosure has a steel-mesh top, and so my question is, how big of a problem / danger is the mesh, and what should I do if it is deemed too much of a danger?
I have researched a lot and very few people have had Ts escape by chewing through the mesh due to it taking a while so you have time to act, but I'm curious of people's experiences.