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Blackstar13, and Megaphobema Robustum


New Member
Lincoln, NE
Hello, this is a story about my Saenathra. Megaphobema Robustum, she's about the size of a fifty cent piece. We met at Petco after a day of trying to find a tarantula. I am really bad about looking at the creepy crawlies and this beautiful creature came out from the "protection of plastic terrarium plants to look me in the eye as I pondered buying her. To be clear, I left Petco without purchasing this beauty and was motivated to return due to bad short term memory. Once again I looked at the creepy crawlies and this poor spood was curled up in the corner heartbroken. So I decided to take her home. She has a retrofitted 3 gallon aquarium, cross ventilated and warmed by the led from the original aquarium setup during the day. I still need temp. and humidity gauges but she seems quite content, actively digging her burrow and eating. Unfortunately I haven't caught any pics yet, but I will try to attach a video. In the video you will see her abdomen is bald. I promise she was like that when I bought her.
Any info and advice is appreciated. Thanks again! Fyi, I have removed the leaves


  • 2025-03-03-133733634.mp4
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  • 2025-03-03-133936409.mp4
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Tarantula Club Member
Hello, this is a story about my Saenathra. Megaphobema Robustum, she's about the size of a fifty cent piece. We met at Petco after a day of trying to find a tarantula. I am really bad about looking at the creepy crawlies and this beautiful creature came out from the "protection of plastic terrarium plants to look me in the eye as I pondered buying her. To be clear, I left Petco without purchasing this beauty and was motivated to return due to bad short term memory. Once again I looked at the creepy crawlies and this poor spood was curled up in the corner heartbroken. So I decided to take her home. She has a retrofitted 3 gallon aquarium, cross ventilated and warmed by the led from the original aquarium setup during the day. I still need temp. and humidity gauges but she seems quite content, actively digging her burrow and eating. Unfortunately I haven't caught any pics yet, but I will try to attach a video. In the video you will see her abdomen is bald. I promise she was like that when I bought her.
Any info and advice is appreciated. Thanks again! Fyi, I have removed the leaves
Lovely addition,
So don't bother with the humidity gauge you will kill a T trying to chase humidity numbers. When it's said a T needs Humidity what is meant is how damp the substrate is, I don't know much about this species so I can't tell you how damp or dry It needs to be but I'm sure someone can help there. It needs way more substrate if you do keep it In that, and what is the top like on it? Does it have any sort of mesh? A T can get there feet caught if climbing and there has been cases of Ts chewing through some. I'd advise moving it into something a lot smaller. Something 3 to 4 times it's DLS (diagonal leg span) is generally advised, these are a Terrestrial spider meaning they will live most of there life on the ground, so with that it's advised to give them 1.5 times there DLS in space from the substrate surface to the ceiling of there enclosure, this is incase if any falls from height as you're T could get injured or in some cases die. I don't know how big a 50cent is, but if it was 1 inch, ideal enclosure for it would be a 4 inch cube with 2.5 inch of substrate in it to leave the 1.5 inch for head space. Don't use light to heat a T either bud, a small space heater is sufficient, but I actually think these guys prefer it on the cooler side of things another thing I'm hoping someone else can clarify but I'm sure they do fine at high 60s low 70s so you may not need any sort of heat source.

Also I know how it is when you see these guys, you feel bad for them and want to give them proper care, but you have to try not to give in, buy from local breeders, reputable online dealers or invertebrate shows. Buying from a place like Petco, that just goes down as a sale to them, so, if something sells you get more and they are just going to do the same again, I know it sounds bad but better leaving that one there for the rest of its life than encouraging them to go get more.
@Casey K.
You're the only 2 I can think of that's mentioned this species recently, maybe yous know a bit?
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New Member
Lincoln, NE
Top is solid, original top to tank. She's about 2 inches across. I have a friend here in town that told me to use that amount of substrate. I do run a space heater when it gets cold, as I live in an upstairs apartment. I've only had this T for about 4 days and so far she seems to be settling in. I will take your advice, but I'm kinda low on funds for new quality enclosures and supply of cheaper options that are acceptable for housing. So far she hasn't offered when it comes to climbing thank God.
Thank you as well, I hope to learn more


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Top is solid, original top to tank. She's about 2 inches across. I have a friend here in town that told me to use that amount of substrate. I do run a space heater when it gets cold, as I live in an upstairs apartment. I've only had this T for about 4 days and so far she seems to be settling in. I will take your advice, but I'm kinda low on funds for new quality enclosures and supply of cheaper options that are acceptable for housing. So far she hasn't offered when it comes to climbing thank God.
Thank you as well, I hope to learn more
I only use proper enclosures for adults, slings and juveniles can be housed in a multitude of things. Tupperware is best it's easy to drill or melt holes into for ventilation. Obviously I'm in the UK but I keep most of my Ts in containers like this usually you can get similar, they come in a multitude of sizes I think they are originally so store pasta or something.

This one is 4x4x6 inches and I think was £2.50 so you don't have to spend a fortune, for the substrate too just get a bag of plain top soil (non-orgainic the organic stuff usually has stuff like manure added) you don't have to spend a fortune getting pre mixed bag of stuff. You can make this hobby as expensive or as cheap as you like. You can keep it in that tank it's in, but as a new keeper you will be making you're own life easier and less stressful moving it to a smaller enclosure. Here is a G Pulchripes in one of the ones I have just to show you size reference. The T is about 1.5 inches and was just housed in here she has a cork bark hide now but that's it.


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So what I have found out for you is they do like damp substrate do not have it soaking wet though, if you take a handful and squeeze it, it should feel wet but no water should be dripping from it. Also they like to burrow, like a lot, so it will definitely need more substrate. I can also confirm that these guys do prefer it cooler, what are the current temps of you're room as they could be fine, anything from 64 to 72 is sufficient.


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I run the apartment around 72°F and around 68 in the warmer months. It's an old top floor, of an old house.
At those temps you do NOT need extra heating at all, they do burrow so you need more substrate in there, since you may be keeping it in that tank I would suggest taking most of the clutter out, makes it easier for you to track feedings and such. Provide it with a piece of cork bark or whatever you have for a burrow/hide and provide a starter burrow (poke a finger in the dirt) by the looks of it (just taking a guess here by the looks of it as I have seen similar) it's 12x6x12 inches. So I would have at least 7 to 8 inches of substrate in there with some sort of hide and some fake plants if you must but they don't care either way. If you need any other help just ask. Posting pics and videos always help as there are things experienced keepers will notice that some others will not.

Keep in touch bud were always here to help out, anything you need just start a thread and you will get the answers you have been looking for.

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