I am a little concerned as recently whilst removing what looked like some molt from a dirt curtain, I realised the leg wasn't empty. I have/had 6 Balfouri in a communal for about a month and have had no problems seeing the odd one or two most evenings. However they all seem to have disappeared all at once with what could be a death. I don't know whether to go all guns blazing and pull the place apart to see what's left or just leave them alone. Could they all be molting at the same time?
I am a little concerned as recently whilst removing what looked like some molt from a dirt curtain, I realised the leg wasn't empty. I have/had 6 Balfouri in a communal for about a month and have had no problems seeing the odd one or two most evenings. However they all seem to have disappeared all at once with what could be a death. I don't know whether to go all guns blazing and pull the place apart to see what's left or just leave them alone. Could they all be molting at the same time?