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Australian Tarantulas - One Australians Journey

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
Two of the Phlogius sp. 'stents' have made little volcanoes of web and substrate, it proved hard to take photos of as without the flash you get a weird effect through the acrylic but with the flash the 3D is lost, but here's the best I could do messing around with the contrast etc. The other little one still just has a hole under the fake bark.

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
The two larger stents haven't bothered with their starter burrows and have just made web homes. Number 4 has made a home on the ground in the back corner , but Number 5 started to dig a tiny bit then decided to make a home at the top of the tank.
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Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
7th March - plumipes offered medium cricket , stents 1,2,3 offered small crickets, stents 5 offered medium cricket. All Blue legs offered small crickets. sp.2 not given crickets . stents 4 ate medium cricket on 5th March, P. strennus ate small cricket on 5th March.
Blue Legs 1 and 3 took crickets straight away, I removed the cricket from BL 2 enclosure as I noticed a moult in the web. It was out and seemingly hunting though , but I thought I'd wait a few days just to be on the safe side.
stents 5 took cricket straight away .
stents 1 and 3 in their doorways , #2 not seen.

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
13th March
Blue legs 2 took 1 medium cricket, it's first feed since I got it because of it moulting on the 5th or 6th of March. Killed it very aggressively, a splatter of orange(carrot) guts on the side of the enclosure, took it to it's lair but is now out webbing instead of eating it.
Crickets put in stents 1&2 enclosures on the 7th removed. Had though stents 3 had eaten its cricket days ago, but it was outside of the burrow dead today.
Strennus and stents 4 given 1 medium cricket each.

14th March - stents 5 given medium cricket.
Blue Legs 1 and 3 given small medium crickets. Blue 1 took it straight away, blue 3 still hidden.

Side note - none of the P. sp. 'pq113' blue legs have burrowed, all 3 have made homes behind the fake bark leaning against their back walls. They ignored the starter burrows I made.
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Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
Selenotypus 'sp.2' Numbers 3 and 6 moulted in the last few days, Number 6 is not happy as I sprayed the sphagnum moss not realising it was under it. Last time I looked in on them they were all in their burrows, the other 4 still are, only the two that moulted were under their moss.
sp2 3 moult2.JPG
sp.2 3 moult 1.JPG
sp2 6 moult2.JPG
poor little guy is not happy :(
sp2 6 moulted.JPG
sp2 6 moult 1.JPG

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
15th March - Received two Phlogius crassipes "kuttabul" slings, the smallest slings yet, I'm sure I've swallowed bigger spiders in my sleep! Unfortunately one was doa, I made a deal with the seller and two replacements will be here next week.
Of course I haven't seen it since it headed straight down the prepared burrow, but the other guy was very lively, doing laps of the posting tub. So tiny though!
002 (2).JPG
005 - Copy.JPG

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
As I stated earlier, while the Blue Legs are not exactly showing arboreal behaviour, none have used the starter burrows at all, preferring to build homes above ground behind the decor. Apart from the 2 larger stents all the other slings have burrowed. The Blue Legs have also webbed much higher, attaching webbing to the lids of the enclosures. So maybe not arboreal, but not burrowers either.

Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
19th , all 3 Blue Legs given small crickets. Blue 1 & 2 Took theirs, Blue 3 not visible, hasn't taken cricket, cricket removed 20th.
Phlogius crassipes "kuttabul" given small cricket but scared of it so I crushed the head.

20th, Selenotypus plumipes given medium cricket .
stents 5 given medium cricket, hit it with it's forelegs several times but didn't take it.
All Selenotypus 'sp. 2' given chopped mealworm. Number 6 was given very small cricket but seems scared of it, given mealworm piece too.
Took cricket out of kuttabul enclosure and replaced with cut mealworm .
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Dave Jay

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Mt Barker South Australia
28th March
I don't think any of the Selenotypus sp.2 ate chopped mealworm at all. I have been busy for the last week and haven't tried feeding them again, but will tonight. I'm not too worried as they really couldn't be any fatter!
Phlogius crassipes 'kuttabul' wouldn't eat anything, I even collected mosquito larvae from my pond and fed still twitching mosquitos but it wouldn't touch them. After the little cricket chased it out of its burrow it just sat hunched and didn't move more than a centimetre all week. Last night I set up smaller containers for the new arrivals, but I found the little guy freshly dead when I went to rehouse it. :(
I received the replacements today and put them in their little tubs, hopefully they go okay, the only problem is pinhead crickets have to be ordered in advance and come Fridays but I found out yesterday there will be none this week due to good Friday. I will try these with fresh killed crickets and mealworm pieces. I won't buy from this seller again unless they offer a larger size, small is ok, but they're also very thin. Here's some phone pics, I'll upload better pics later. The coin is 2.75 cm, just over 1".

29th March
Fed all spiders crickets relative to their size, only the new slings took their crickets straight away.
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Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
I like to get slings as well but usually aim for an initial size of 1" to about 2". The real little ones are hard to feed.

The faster growing ones seem to also be more hardy. Still, you gotta keep that water dish full. Don't worry. Anything that can run upside down on a ceiling can't drown but you can always prop a stainless steel screw or a small stick half in half out of the water dish just to make sure.

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