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US April 2021 Price List from Tarantulaspiders.com with frequent new arrival postings


Active Member
3 Year Member
April 2021 Price List from Tarantulaspiders.com with frequent new arrival postings

UPDATED: 4/5/2021

Shipping dates: We ship on Wednesdays (weather-permitting) for Thursday arrivals.


6 Acanthoscurria geniculata "Brazilian Giant White Knee", Rarely offered the last 2 yrs! Grows to 8"! BEAUTIFUL! CB unsexed 3rd instar, . 25" spiderlings, $55 ea., 6@$50 ea.

0.1 Aphonopelma gabeli, CB sub-adult female 2”, $140

5 Aphonopelma hentzi "Oklahoma Brown", Great beginner's species! CB unsexed .25" spiderlings, $19 ea., 6@$18 ea.

• Aphonopelma seemani "Stripe Knee", (Nicaragua import), WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $24 ea., 6@$22 ea., female sub-adults/adults $44 ea., 6 lot of unsexed juveniles/sub-adults $132

1 Brachypelma albiceps, CB unsexed .75”, $75

1 Brachypelma boehemi "Mexican Fire Leg", CB unsexed .5" spiderling, $55

• Brachypelma boehemi "Mexican Fire Leg", CB unsexed 2"-2.25" juveniles, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.

• Brachypelma emilia "Mexican Painted", beautiful! CB unsexed 1"-1.5" juveniles, $110 ea., 6@$105 ea.

• Brachypelma emilia "Mexican Painted", beautiful! CB unsexed 2"+ juveniles, $125 ea., 6@$120 ea.

• Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB unsexed 1.75"-2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.

2 Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB unsexed sub-adult 3”-4”, $170 ea.

• Caribena versicolor "Antilles Pinktoe", BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE BLUE SLINGS! CB unsexed 3rd instar, well-started .75"-1", $56 ea., 6@$51 ea.

0.1 Chaetopelma olivaceum "Middle East Gold", Rarely available! WC adult female $65

1 Chilobrachys sp. "Kaeng Krachan", Grows to 7"+!, CB unsexed 1"+ spiderling $29

2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens "Greenbottle Blue", Very colorful and popular! CB unsexed .75" spiderlings, $60 ea.

• Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens "Greenbottle Blue", Very colorful and popular! CB unsexed 2"-3" RARELY offered juveniles/sub-adults, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.

5 Cyriocosmus leetzi "Colombian Dwarf Tiger", Beauty dwarfs! CB unsexed 1/8", $39.50 ea., 6@$37.50 ea.

1 Cyriopagopus albostriatus "Thai Zebra", Not commonly offered, Striking white leg stripes! CB unsexed .75"-1"+ spiderlings, $45

1 Cyriopagopus hainanum "Chinese Giant Black Earth Tiger", Very rarely offered! Stocky, grows to 8"! Venomous. Must be an adult and fill out our required venomous form (inquire using our contact page), WC unsexed sub-adults 5"+, $150

5 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", Not common anymore, colorful! CB 2nd instar, .5"+, $55 ea.

• Cyriopagopus vonwirthi "Vietnamese Tiger", WC confirmed female sub-adults/adults, $46 ea.

2 Ephebopus murinus "Skeleton", Rarely as CB slings! CB unsexed .5". $34 ea.

6 Grammostola actaeon "Brazilian Red Rump", Very docile, hardy, long-lived, and beautiful! CB unsexed 1.75"-2"+, $135 ea., 6@$130 ea.

1 Grammostola actaeon "Brazilian Red Rump", Very docile, hardy, long-lived, and beautiful! CB suspect female juvenile, 1.75"+, $175

• Grammostola quirogai (ex. G. Pulchra) "Uruguayan Black”, CB unsexed .75”-1”, $105 ea., 6@$100 ea.

5 Grammostola pulchripes "Chaco Giant Golden Striped", Popular and docile! Grows to 8"!, CB 3rd instar, .75" unsexed spiderlings, $48 ea.

• Harpactira pulchripes “Golden Blue Leg”, CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $250 ea.

2 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon", Beautiful, but for advanced keepers (fast/agile/bad bite), WC unsexed juveniles $45 ea.

2.0 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon", Beautiful, but for advanced keepers (fast/agile/bad bite), WC mature males, Rarely available males for your females to breed! $45 ea.

0.1 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon", Beautiful, but for advanced keepers (fast/agile/bad bite), WC confirmed female sub-adult 3.25”+ $75

3 Hysterocrates gigas “Cameroon Red Baboon”, CB unsexed 1"-1.25" spiderlings $19 ea., 3 lot minimum. 3@$16 ea., 6@$15 ea.

• Hysterocrates gigas “Cameroon Red Baboon”, WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., female sub-adults/adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.

5 Lasiodora parahybana "Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater", One of the largest-growing tarantulas (to 10"!), CB unsexed .5"-.75" spiderlings, $22 ea., 6@$19 ea., 12+@$18 ea.
• Megaphobema robustum "Colombian Giant Red Leg", CB unsexed 2", $105 ea., 6@$100 ea.

• Monocentrophus balfouri "Socotra Blue Baboon", CB unsexed 2.5"-3", $120 ea., 6@$115 ea3

1 Omothymus sp. "Hati hati" or "Indo Purple Earth Tiger", CB unsexed juvenile 2.75"+, $95

6 Pamphobeteus sp. "cascada", Awesome Pampho! Grows to 7"-8"+!, CB 2nd instar, 1" unsexed spiderlings, $90 ea.

• Pamphobeteus sp. "machala", Colorful & popular! Grows to 7"-8", CB unsexed 2"-2.5" juveniles, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.
• Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara", Very popular, colorful (even in the females), and large-growing (to 9") species! CB unsexed 1”-1.5”, $250 ea., 3@$245 ea.

0.1 Pamphobeteus cf. antinous "Steely Blue Birdeater", Rarely offered! WC 6"+ young adult female, $345

0.1 Pamphobeteus petersi "Peruvian Giant Backfire Birdeater", WC 6.5"+ young adult female, $165

2 Pamphobeteus vespertinus "Ecuadorian Red Bloom", Rarely offered! CB unsexed 2.75"-3" juveniles, $129

• Phormictopus sp. "Green femur/gold carapace" or "Caribbean Emerald Green", CB unsexed 2.5"-3" juveniles, $190 ea., 3@$185 ea., 6@$180 ea.

2 Phormingochilus everetti, Very rarely offered beauties! CB unsexed 3"+, $295 ea.

• Poecilotheria regalis "Indian Ornamental", a hobby "classic", for adult advanced keepers only, CB unsexed juveniles/sub-adults 3"-4",

$155 ea., 6@150 ea.

• Psalmopoeus cambridgei "Trinidad Chevron", Grows to 7"! CB unsexed 1.5"-2"+ juveniles, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea.

3 Psalmopoeus irminia "Sun Tiger", A hobby classic, beautiful, fast and aggressive! CB unsexed .5"-.75", $29 ea.

• Psalmopoeus irminia "Sun Tiger", A hobby classic, beautiful, fast and aggressive! CB unsexed 1.5"-2"+ juveniles, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.

• Psalmopoeus pulcher "Panamanian blond", Beautiful arboreal! CB unsexed 1.5"-2" unsexed juveniles, $120 ea. 6@$115 ea.

2 Pterinochilus murinus "USAMBARA Orange" or "OBT", Not common anymore, super aggressive and colorful! CB 2nd instar, .5"+ unsexed spiderlings, $36 ea.

2 Stromatopelma calceatum "Feather leg Baboon", Rarely offered! Fast, agile, high-strung/aggressive, and it’s got a bad bite! Only for advanced hobbyists. Venomous! Only sold to adults. You must fill out our venomous form. Inquire. WC unsexed 2.5" juveniles, $75 ea.

0.2 Stromatopelma calceatum "Feather leg Baboon", Rarely offered! Fast, agile, high-strung/aggressive, and it’s got a bad bite! Only for advanced hobbyists. Venomous! Only sold to adults. You must fill out our venomous form. Inquire. WC adult females 5"-6", $295 ea.

1 Tapinauchenius violaceus "Purple Treespider", Beautiful! CB unsexed 2.75"+, $65

• Theraphosa apophysis "Goliath Pinkfoot", One of the largest-growing tarantulas capable of 11" leg spans!, Rarely offered! CB unsexed 1.5”-2”, NEW LOWER PRICING! $135 ea., 3@$130 ea., 6@$125 ea.

4 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $110 ea.

• Tliltocatl albopilosus (ex Brachypelma albopilosum) "Curly Hair" (Nicaraguamorph), unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $24 ea., 6@$22 ea., female sub-adults/adults $44 ea., 6 lot of unsexed juveniles/sub-adults $132

• Tliltocatl schroederi "Mexican Black Velvet", Rarely offered! CB unsexed 1", well-started large spiderlings, $150 ea.

3 Tliltocatl vagans "Mexican Red Rump", Good beginner's species! CB unsexed .75", $24 ea.

6 Xenesthis intermedia “Amazon Blue Bloom”, Grows to 8”+! Rarely offered CB unsexed juveniles 2.5"-3", $350 ea., 3@$345 ea.


0.2 Damon medius "West African Giant Tailless Whip Scorpion", Very popular! WC unsexed juveniles $45 ea.

0.1 Phyrnus whitei "Nicaraguan Tailless Whip Scorpion", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $35

CENTIPEDES: (species below are WC unsexed juveniles to adults):

4 Alipes sp. "Ghana Flag-tail Centipede",. (This could prove to be either Alipes appendiculatus or A. calcipes; we will post pics 2/4/21); Unique-looking tail! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, expect this species to be missing one or both flag-tails which is a common issue when imported, but it will re-generate on the next molt $35 ea.

1 Ethmostigmus trigonopodus “Nigerian Tiger Centipede”, (DARK MORPH), This particular color morph is rarely seen in the hobby, WC unsexed adult, $55

` Rhysida longipes "Olive-green Centipede", WC unsexed juveniles to adults , $20 ea.

2 Scolopendra cf. gigantea "Peruvian Giant Centipde" (white-legged morph),Super rare and one of the largest centipedes in the world capable of 12"+ lengths! Unsexed 5"-6" adults, $595 ea.

2 Scolopendra dehaani "orange-legged morph" (Vietnam), Rare color morph! Grows to 8.75"+, WC unsexed young adults 5.5"-6"+, $65 ea.

• Scolopendra dehaani "yellow-legged morph" (Vietnam), Grows to 8.75"+, WC unsexed sub-adults/adults 4"-6"+, $30, 6@$28 ea., 12@$26 ea.

1 Scolopendra longipes "Florida Keys Centipede", WC unsexed 2.75"-3" juvenile (missing terminal legs, but will grow back on the next molt), $25

1 Scolopendra longipes "Florida Keys Centipede", WC unsexed 2."+ juvenile , $25

0.1 Scolopendra multidens "Chinese Beauty", WC, established in captivity in 2020, confirmed good mother! $95

• Scolopendra polymorpha "American Southwest Tiger Centipede", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $25 ea., 6@$20 ea.

2 Scolopendra subspinipes "Toxic Tip Centipede", Rarely offered! Very colorful! WC unsexed 5"-6" adults, $149 ea.

SCORPIONS: (species below are WC unsexed juveniles to adults):

4 Androctonus australis, WC unsexed sub-adults/adults, Venomous! Only sold to adults. You must fill out our venomous form. Inquire. $40 ea.

• Heterometrus sp. (probably H. silenus from Vietnam), “Vietnamese Forest Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 3 lot@$20 ea., 6 lot@$19 ea.

1.1 Hottentotta flavidulus, Rarely offered! Venomous! Must be an adult and fill out our venomous form. Inquire about this using our contact page. Adult PAIR! $160

• Hottentotta hottentotta "West African Bark Scorpion", Venomous! Must be an adult and fill out our venomous form. Inquire about this using our contact page. WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $21 ea., 6@$20 ea., 12+@$19 ea.
• Pandinus imperator "Emperor Scorpion", CB unsexed babies, $55 ea., 6@$50 ea., 12@$45 ea.

• Scorpio maurus palmatus "Israeli Gold", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $55 ea., 3 lot@$53 ea., 6 lot@$45 ea.


3 Heteropoda venatoria "FL Giant Huntsman Spider", Grows to 5"! FAST! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $16 ea.

• Hogna lenta "Florida Field Wolf Spider", Min. order is six lot or more. $12 ea., 6@$10 ea., 12@$9 ea., 25@$8 ea., 50@$7 ea., 100@$6 ea.

1 Hogna carolinensis "Giant Wolf Spider", Grows to 3.5"! WC unsexed sub-adults, $16 ea.

3 Latrodectus bishopi "Red Widow", Very rarely offered! Venomous. Must be an adult and fill out our required venomous form (inquire using our contact page). Min. order: 3 lots or more. 3@$15 ea., 6@$14 ea.

50 Latrodectus mactans "Southern Black Widow", Venomous. Must be an adult and fill out our required venomous form (inquire using our contact page). CR unsexed 1/10" 1st instar spiderlings, Min. order: 6 lots or more. 6@$9 ea., 12@$8 ea., 25@$7 ea., 50+@$6 ea.

0.3 Latrodectus mactans "Southern Black Widow", Venomous. Must be an adult and fill out our required venomous form (inquire using our contact page). WC sub-adult/adult females, $19 ea.

• Phidippus regius “Regal Jumping Spider”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults $16 ea., or 6@$14 ea., 12@$13 ea., 25@$12 ea.

• Tigrosa georgicola "Dark Forest Wolf Spider”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, min. order: six lot or more. 6@$12 ea., 12@$11 ea., 25@$10 ea., 50@$9 ea.


• Anadenobolus monilicornis “Bumble Bee Millipedes”, min. 6 lot. WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 6@$9 ea., 12@$8.50 ea., 25+@$8 ea.
• Chicobolus spinigerus "Florida Ivory Millipede" (normal color morph), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 6 lot for $39, 12 lot for $72, 25 lot for $137.50
• Chicobolus spinigerus "Florida Ivory Millipede" (purple color morph), Rarely offered! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $10 ea., 10 lot/$60, 20 lot/$80
• Narceus gordanus "Smoky Oak Millipede" (GREY morph), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 6 lot for $54, 12 lot for $102, 25 lot for $200


12 Birgus latro "Coconut Crab", World's largest terrestrial invertebrate! Impressive! Rarely offered!!! Don't snooze on these! Unsexed juveniles, $595 ea.


• Gromphadorhina portentosa "Malagasy Hissing Cockroach", CB unsexed sub-adults/adults, $6.75 ea., 2.1 reverse trio (2 males/1 female) for $$19.75. NOTE: no shipping to Florida, California, Louisiana, Alabama, or Hawaii.


1 Corucia zebrata "Monkey Tail Skink", Rarely offered! CB unsexed juvenile/sub-adult, $1,200

0.1 Python regius "Ball Python" (Killer bee morph). High contrast! CB juvenile 28"+, female, $695

• Anolis carolinensis "Green Anole", Min. order: six lot or more. WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 6@$12 ea., 12@$11.50 ea., 25+@$11 ea.

• Phyllomedusa hypocondrialis "Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog", Beautiful! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, Min. order: 3 lot or more. 3@$36 ea., 6@$34 ea., 12@$32 ea.

• Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Biak type), CB unsexed big babies/ juveniles, $550 ea., CR unsexed sub-adults/adults, $650 ea.

• Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus "Yellow-crested Jackson’s Chameleon", male sub-adult/adults, $115 ea., females sub-adults/adults, $105 ea.

• Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii "Rainbow Jackson’s Chameleon", male sub-adult/adults, $135 ea., females sub-adults/adults, $115 ea.

• MINIMUM ORDER IS $50 OF LIVE STOCK (NOT COUNTING SHIPPING COSTS) Use our contact page linked below and copy and paste what you want and include your full name, address, and phone # and we will be confirm your order and email you payment total and instructions, Fedex Ship Center address, and ship date. Thank you!

Use our contact page to copy and paste what you want and send in your order. Min. order is $50 in animals (not counting shipping costs).

* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above. *

Terms of Service: Live Arrival Guarantee. Purchase price must be over $50. You must accept the package on the first delivery attempt. The temperature at your locality must be over 50F and below 90F for delivery to your business or local carrier's facility. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via (email, phone, whatever) within 5 hours of receipt. Etc. Refund Policy: To receive a refund, you must (take pictures of the DOA, ship the DOA back to me at your own cost, etc) Refunds will (only be given in store credit, be the same as paid, etc). Shipping cost will not be refunded. Etc.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
San Jose, California
G. Pulchra, E. Olivacea, A. Geniculata, C.lividium , H.Marshalli , H. Darlingi, T. Blondi, C. Andersoni, P. Smithi, T. Albopilosus, A.Metallica, X. Immanis, B. rudloffi, B. Cabocola, H. Maculata, C. Cyaneopubescens, E. Spinosissimus, C. Schioedtei, H. Hainanum, N. Tripeppi, L.Sp “bach ma”, A. Chalcodes,A. Antillensis, C. Pentalore, P. Cautus, P. Cambridgei, A. Diversipes, E. Murinus, H.SpColombie, H. Robustu, O. Sp prison does abeilles, M. Velvetosoma, P. Ornatus, P. Scrofa, R. Petersi, T gigas, H. Longipes, P. Everett, P. Brachyramosa, T. Isignis

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