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An eventful day


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1,000+ Post Club
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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
It all began with the news that the UK has a new Princess and followed by the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race coming through the village where I live not once but 3 times.

During all this I bought 2 new Ts although they won't be here until the end of the month. I'm getting a Hapalopus sp Colombia small which I've been after for a while, and a Heterothele gabonensis which only reaches 1.5'' dls. So 2 more to add to my collection of dwarf Ts.

Then to cap it all my very shy L. sp. "Borneo Black" decided that it would stay out of hiding long enough for me to get a photo.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Wow, your collection is really growing by the day. Wish my husband would let me have more :(. Oh well, maybe when the babies (slings, not humans, lol) are all grown up.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Wow, your collection is really growing by the day. Wish my husband would let me have more :(. Oh well, maybe when the babies (slings, not humans, lol) are all grown up.

I'm hoping to stop now, I'm up to 36 now including the new ones. I'm lucky I only have myself to answer to, all my kids are grown up.


Active Member
3 Year Member
Another T's added to Enn's Bunch... Total of 36 T's... You should anticipate your Tarantula Rooms and their enclosures when they grow up, maturely... Imagine 36 T's on their large enclosures... Weeeeee... If your selling some of your used enclosures, let me know... Thanks...


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
You should anticipate your Tarantula Rooms and their enclosures when they grow up, maturely... Imagine 36 T's on their large enclosures... Weeeeee...

That's what I had to do and it's the reason, I had to limit it to 8 at the moment. I've only got the one shelf allocated (5 spaces, although I'm not to keen on using the very bottom), 5 medium to large(ish) growing terrestrials (G. Rosea, A. Geniculata - both already in Large Faunarium, although I'd like a nicer tank for them - B. Boehmei, GBB and L. Parahybana - all still at sling/juvie stage) and 3 arboreal (A. versicolor, in small exoterra arboreal tank, its adult enclosure, T. Gigas and P. metallica slings, in sweetie jars). The big girls and guys (maybe) all need their own shelf space, the arboreals, I can fit 2 next to each other and will have to cheat with one, by sitting it on top of the shelf next to the spider one.
I haven't got a spare room in our cottage, so couldn't allocate a whole room for them :( (plus, I like to watch them from the comfort of my living room, lol).


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I have lots of vivariums from when I was breeding snakes so housing will be no problem in the future as I only have one snake now. I may sell some of the vivs and use the money to buy some new ExoTerras. It is also the reason that I have bought quite a few dwarf species as they don't need such large containers.