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A. seemanni has turned brown in the past week.


Active Member
My ~3" A. seemanni suddenly turned a ruddy brown color from grey/blue over the course of the week. Is it a possible sign of a molt coming? I bought it unsexed on December 7th last year, and it has never molted for me. I don't know the gender, but at the very least I know it's not currently a MM because there are no hooks or bulbs. I don't trust the fact that it's not eating because it has fasted for months in the past.


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3 Year Member
A Seemani has 3 colour forms (localities) blue black and brown. Brown is Costa Rican which is the most common so it’s more likely that this is the locality you have. They’re very noticeable as MM but up until then there’s no difference other than the molt. The dulling of the colour could be premolt but it could also be that you happened to notice it in a different light as most Ts lose colour progressively until molting.