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if there was a general chat window that we people could have conversation while waiting on something to be posted would be nice that way we can talk to one another
Will bring this up with Josh,only thing we have now is the private message option. You are suggesting something similar to a chatroom for online members ?
yeah that way people want have to sit there and just stare at the screen waiting for one of those red New bubbles to pop up some where I think it will keep people on it more and bring more people to the forum as well.
I mean what if your discussing something with a few people about the same thing then you got to have multiple PM up at one time and the it just between two people what if you want to discuss things with more then on
I have sent Josh a message,I suggested it in the line of a chatroom option instead of a multi chat window. The chatroom,anyone may enter and participate on the chat.
If you know a chatroom setup,it would work it would have an entry point say Tarantula chat and more click on it and enter. Then your name would be added to an existing list of whoever is in the room at that given time,anyone can chat to anyone or post to all.