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hi guys! I was hoping I could maybe get a guess at the gender on my B. smithi. The person I bought it from said he thought it was a girl. I'm leaning towards boy. Thanks in advance!
Well Ladylola, the pic won't load for me, it's probably my connection, but it would just be a guess anyway. We would need a pic of the top set of book lungs from a molt to give you an accurate sex on it. I've been fooled too many times trying to vent sex...and I've vent sexed a lot of mine, and made guesses that made me feel like an idiot later when I got a clean molt...juvenile females can be leggy sometimes, and make you think they're males, and males can be small, slow growing, and have proportionate legs and make you think they're female. Many males have a clear line across the upper abdomen that looks like it might be a ventral slit, without the little raised spot being obvious. It's an exercise in frustration without a molt
It could very well be because I posted from my phone, (lol) I was just crossing my fingers that I might have a female, hehe . The person that I bought it from said the last molt was around June, so I probably have a little while til the next molt probably. When I do have a molt, I will definitely be posting it!
looks like a male to me....i see a little belly button not a slit...thats my thoughts. Just have to think about getting him some tail when he matures....or would it be...opisthosoma? lol not the same ring.