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  1. S

    Pink Toe Feeding Question

    I've had a pink toe tarantula for almost 6 months now, and the only way he will eat is if his worm is placed in his web. He molted a couple weeks ago, and I had to clean out his web because he got too big for it. He hasn't started building a new web, and also won't eat. I've tried putting his...
  2. F

    New T owner, scared I’m doing something wrong.

    Hello! I got a pink toe tarantula yesterday. It came home with me in a plastic container, and i set the container in its new enclosure so it could make its way out when it wanted to because i didn’t want to stress it out any more than it already had been. It’s tucked itself in the corner of the...
  3. goldenpumpkin

    Stress curl: legit stress or just his version of a hide?

    Hi all, I wasn't sure if this was worth making a new thread about but couldn't find any existing threads about it so here we are. So, I've now had my MM curly hair for 5 days, and in the past couple of days he's been going back and forth between acting perfectly fine (ex: eating, pooping, laying...
  4. henri_the_spider

    stressed by too big enclosures

    Hello again, So yesterday I was wondering, if there is actual evidence, that t's get stressed out if they have too much space. I thought about it a while and it kinda makes no sense. In nature they have like way mooore room around them and that's where they come from. Wouldn't it be silly of...