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when the abdomen is swelled up like this and a bit shiny than usual it means it’s in a premolt stage right?
sorry this is actually my first T in my life
Hi, I am a new tarantula owner and I got a baby LP that is around 2cm and I tried feeding it the first time today after 3 days and it is not interested in food. I got crickets and smashed them a bit so it is easier for her to eat since they are a bit bigger than her but she ran away from it...
Hi guys can any help me understand why my T died after 2 days? Substrate was not to moist , I offered her food but she didnt want it so I took it away , woke up the next day she was like this ?
What did I do wrong ?
Is it weird that my C.lividum sling did not seems to wanted to burrow or dig? I have change the substrate from soil to coconut husk n coconut peat but it doesnt seems to wanted to dig but running around n trying to climb up the enclosure. Or isit ready for molt? It takes food last week n reject...
Hey, y’all!
I’ve had my A. Hentzi sling for about two weeks, and he hasn’t eaten the entire time. He’s my first T, so I’m pretty eagle eyed with him. He seems fine otherwise - he’s taken to his premise burrow and comes out at night to explore his enclosure. I leave him small cricket legs to eat...
How old do they have to be?
I have a GBB sling that’s about 1/2” and a good under belly shot. I attached the photo just in case. I also suck at sexing.