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He's still moving his legs I'm just scared he's bleeding.
I left two crickets in overnight and took them out in the morning but he molted before I woke up so they were in with him during it.
I moved the molt away because he's been on his back all day. Is there anything I can do or should I...
Long story short I'm going to be going out of town and my T has been showing signs of molting since December, he/she is balding on his abdomen. I haven't been eating in about two months either and I'm worried if it were to molt while I'm gone what the risks of contamination of the molt would be...
Hi again. I had posted a question on behalf of my tarantula potentially molting, but I was concerned with his lack of movement. It has been about 2 weeks since I first noticed it. Since then, there has been no movement from my little guy and I don’t expect to see any movement anytime soon. He...
Hi there!
I’m a new tarantula keeper in the hobby and I’m a little concerned about my grammostola pulchra. He is a little smaller and has only molted once since I had him. I think he’s in the premolt stage but I’m concerned about his pose and his complete lack of movement-he has stayed in this...
I had my tarantula for 9 years and on Wednesday I’ve noticed unusual behavior I’ve never noticed before. She was pacing and walking around disoriented and then on Thursday I found her on her back. I’m thinking she’s getting ready to molt but she’s twitching a lot. I have never noticed that...
Hey everyone!
I didn’t think I was going to go through this experience so soon, but wow! Let me tell you it was extremely fascinating to say the least. I’m sure everyone has been through it a million times. But it was crazy and cool! I’m so glad I was able to experience this. I walked in the...