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Hey! Does anyone have any gravid (or male and female pairs) nikites, ambrutus, astosus, octopunctatus, mystaceus, princeps, purpuratus jumping spiders they would want to trade for juveniles regals or otiosus!
Open to other species, these just came to mind first!
This is Bluey, my cobalt blue. Theyre an unsexxed juve around 7cm diam.
They have never molted and theyve eaten 4 times since i got them in march (going by behaviour + abdomen size to know when feeding is needed)
Through the past couple of weeks ive seen them go whiter and whiter and now...
Today marks the day where I fed Bluey for the first time.
The power this T has at such a small size is just phenomenal, super fast as well!
Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post and as always, suggestions, advice, tips and general discussion is always appreciated.
Hello friends! If jumping spiders aren’t a common topic please let me know and I’ll bring this post elsewhere. I have a female bold jumping spider that’s (maybe) around a quarter inch or less right now. I haven’t seen her out and about for almost a month and honestly figured that she had died. I...
I am at a loss. My juvienile female C. fimbriatus aka violet earth tiger tarantula went down into her burrow 4 days ago right after she had her meal and just died. I'm completely at a loss as to what might have happened. She was a voracious eater very active and as far as I could tell the only...
Here she is! I picked her up on Monday and she is so so so tiny, which I definitely wasn't expecting. I'll have to wait a couple moults before moving her into the exoterra enclosure I bought.
I can't wait for her to grow and turn black
I have just realized I'm not really sure how old my Tliltocatl Albopilosus is. I got her in September as a 2.5" - 3" juvenile (or maybe sub-adult?), and now after one molt she is around 3.5". Is there a way to tell how old she is? I'm sure their growth rate depends on many different factors, but...
Hello all,
I may just be impatient, I'm hoping someone can help shed light (heh, "shed", get it, molt) on what's going on.
Warning, long read. I just want to provide all the info.
I purchased a small Costa Rican Stripe Knee (A. seemani) on 4.24.21 (legs stretched, she prolly only fills the...
Hi everyone! Can any body tell the sex of my gbb from this exuv? I read that gbb's spermatecae are usually smaller than other SPs and I haven't seen a gbb spermathecae ever so I am not sure if this is a male or a female .. I got him/her last july at around 2cm. After 6 molts, he/she is now...
The seller told me that it's a B. Albicep and the reason why the caraphase is black is because it's on pre-molt. So yesterday it molted already but still it has a black caraphase. Any thoughts about it? I can't find any info if it's normal for it to have a black caraphase at it's juvy stage.