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I’ve raised a female Homoeomma chilensis from a sling the last 4.5 years, I don’t think she’s mature yet but I’m looking to get in touch with anyone else who owns this species and preferably someone with experience breeding T’s so I can get assistance determining when she is matured and with...
Hi everyone,
I’m looking to acquire a homoeomma chilensis for my stepsister. I myself know nothing about spiders except that this is the kind that will let me take it to the next stage. Please let me know if you have any available. Destination would be Oregon.
Thank you
I’m totally new to the world of tarantula breeding and this whole forum thing, but I have a newly matured male H. chilensis. He’s molted and is now presenting his tibial hooks. If you have a female feel free to contact me. I would be willing to mail him within reason. He is my first tarantula...