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I was given two juvenile Brazilian blacks from a friend whose dad no longer wanted them. I already have a Brazilian black and I am not interested in having more than one of the same breed (I like having a variety lol). They are in travel enclosures and are about 1-2". If anyone in NYC is...
Lilith might finally be transitioning to black!!! I could never find a definite answer around what age they start turning from brown to black. I read on all sorts of answers that some never turn fully black, or it takes a long time. But this is the longest I’ve seen her black! Normally she is...
Even the ones who don’t like spiders were worried! Lol I posted the first one saying she doesn’t look too good :( … but then I jk’d everyone saying she was about to molt, and this is normal behavior so they felt slightly better. Lilith is just too perfect!! I can’t wait for her to keep the black...
brazilian black
brazilian black tarantula
g pulchra
g. pulchra
g. pulchra male
grammastola pulchra
Hey there!!!
I just wanted to know if Lilith is a healthy size? By her size I was told she’s already a couple years old. She gets fed 4 crickets every 1.5-2 weeks, & I just picked up some Dubia roaches to try feeding her to have a variety. I give her fresh spring water or filtered water daily...