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Hello, I’ll introduce myself with a few things about me and how I started with the tarantula hobby.
I started around 7 years ago now with no knowledge at all apart from a few YouTube videos. I was very intrigued and wanted to get onboard with the hobby. I ordered around 5 slings but never...
Most online sources purport that they can get up to 7-8 inches, sometimes even 9. I’m assuming this is measuring leg span end to end. Is that true? It seems gigantic and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that large in a video or photo.
I have some basic questions about G.pulchripes as I want to make sure I'm doing the best I can for them.
I keep their plastic cages with cross ventilation with about 3cm of substrate on heat mats to hold them around 20-25C/70-75F as I live in ireland and we're not exactly warm! I try to ensure...