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same species as previous female, heavily gravid and soon to oviposit. Ive learned more by watching these animals behave in nature than reading the entire solifuge revision page. Being a naturalist will actually teach you more than any amount of Nuclear morphometric analysis EVER will. ;)
The male counterpart of said un-described species of Eremobates. Extremely nervous and seems to have even better eyesight than other eremobatidae. aggressive compared to other eremobates and will bite with little provocation.
Undescribed 2" female eremobates species, gravid. neither kastoni nor vicinus. The region it came from has largely been ignored by people studying solifugae. overwinters as a late-instar nymph, then emerges again in spring when temps are high enough. mature males and females are gone in july.
Mature male. Eremorhax are extremely sexually dimorphic, with females having very short limbs and a massive abdomen, similar to the old-world genus Rhagodes. They also share the unusual ant-killing behavior as well. presumably sequestering peptides for defense or digestive aid.
Calexicensis on the left, Titania on the right.
the two apparently hybridize and create fertile offspring, as well. it may be that one is actually a subspecies of the other.