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my brachypelma boehmei has been really active the past 2 days. it's been walking around the cage, climbing, and exploring a lot more than normal. usually it just sits in its hide all day and comes out for about a second when i feed it. i don't know if he's stressed or just curious. what is...
Much larger than the other species in this genus, these can reach 2cm or greater in size.
like the majority of the species in this genus, they can be readily found on creosotebush.
another large desert weevil, this time in the cylindrical weevil family. these are mostly found on saltbush (atriplex) and can be found in huge numbers around the salton sink region
Widespread throughout the mojave and colorado desert, the most common of the 'desert weevils'. Like nearly all ophryastes species, these are mostly found on creosotebush