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Threw the cheap macro lens adaptor on my phone and took a few photos of my whiteknee slings. Quite a short focal range on it. Planning to do some focus stacking in the future to try and capture all of the deltails.
Need to invest in a macro lens for my DSLR now that I have something tiny to...
Just transferred my Whiteknee slings to a new pot (bit early but wanted to see them clearer without disturbing them) and thought I'd take a couple shots.
They're invert viewing pots, so have a magnifying lid, which is quite nice for seeing all their little details. They're out of direct light...
Thought I'd take a moment to say "hi" as a new member and new tarantula keeper.
I've just started with two Acanthoscurria Geniculata slings from veteran member @Phil (thanks again mate).
Super excited to be starting out in the hobby and being a part of the community.
Thought I'd leave this...