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  1. Nemoq

    help identify please

    I will have to agree with you thank you very much for the help
  2. Nemoq

    help identify please

    Here is the bad pic
  3. Nemoq

    help identify please

    I got a bad pic from the bottom where the spider has bands but I also don't think it is a Brazilian. does the huntsman and Brazilian share some characteristics ?
  4. Nemoq

    help identify please

    All I know is the guys thinks it looks like a Brazilian wandering spider. now im not sure how big they get but this spider is about 16-18cm. also like I said im from south Africa and these guys are not from here unless someone had one as a pet and it maybe escaped I don't see how it can be the...
  5. Nemoq

    help identify please

    and I don't think it is Dolomedes species. as he stays in the city no where near water. if I am correct the Dolomedes species are fishing spiders
  6. Nemoq

    help identify please

    Sorry I am from South Africa and the pics were sent to me from a friend this spider had babies on a fence in his back yard. and I have no idea how big he is
  7. Nemoq

    help identify please

    Hi can someone please help identify this spider
  8. Nemoq

    Molt question

    Will do thank you im just asking because if he is mature that means he can mate so i want to get in touch with a breeder
  9. Nemoq

    Molt question

    G.Pulchripes just had a good molt and now for the first time i see he has a that little hoop on his leg my question is , is he now fully mature and wont have any more molts ?
  10. Nemoq

    Lp in premolt

    Thank you he is the latest edition to the family i also have a G.Pulchripes and a PZB
  11. Nemoq

    Lp in premolt

    Previous molt on my LP chewie is his name btw was very different also ate 24 hours later bam first molt but this time around nothing hopefully he will molt soon
  12. Nemoq

    Sad news :(

    That is bad so sorry mate all the best
  13. Nemoq

    Lp in premolt

    Hi guys my lp is in premolt i think he has been refusing food for about two weeks now i just want to know how long do they more or less stay in premolt ? And sorry if the pic is bad i took it with my phone
  14. Nemoq

    Eupalaestras Campestratus and water

    I rehoused her last night and again.i have a dish in.there i actually caught her drinking from.it the morning it was a nice sight to.see
  15. Nemoq

    Eupalaestras Campestratus and water

    She is about 2 inches and i feed both my T's every 4days i dont want to feed more to scared of over feeding
  16. Nemoq

    Eupalaestras Campestratus and water

    Hi guys and girls i have a sling Eupalaestras Campestratus and it seems she loves water. I dpnt have a water dish in her enclosure because she buries it. I mist every day twice and she always sits on the spot where its wet. Is that normal? And it looks like she pounces to the spot where i mist...
  17. Nemoq

    any south african T owners

    Im.taking it you are south african?
  18. Nemoq

    T id please

    This pic is it an exaple of a male?
  19. Nemoq

    any south african T owners

    Hey are there any T owners on this forum from south africa ?
  20. Nemoq

    Klugi sex help

    im not in a hurry. so we will wait until the next molt thank you