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Wild Catch


Active Member
3 Year Member
What u guys think about catching some local t in the wild or getting a black widow in the garage or maybe a centipede from the back yard. Let me know what your openion is plz


Active Member
3 Year Member
So what do u do with the wandering spiders that get in your house especially the deadly one just kill them or catch them and release them that's still desturbing them


Active Member
3 Year Member
Holland, Michigan, USA
It's ok, IMO, if the species is really plentiful & not close to being threatened. If you are able to keep it with the understanding that if it doesn't flourish, you'll let it go again...what's the harm? Again...IMO.

spidey noob

Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
tyne & wear uk
i think going out to collect wild Ts for your own collection is wrong !!! but if your talking abought wild spiders comeing into your home thats a diffrent matter all together do what u want with it kill/ keep/release, i woul kill any wandering spider i found in my home if it poses a threat to your life :)


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3 Year Member
I remember, i watched one on YT that there are two guys and on their sabana there are lots of T's in different sizes and some are hiding underneath the rocks, and on the same rock there is also an scorpion, different invert are sharing in one rock.... So unsual it is... Then the guy who is doing the video, was saying that if you want's to order wild caught just leave a message...


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3 Year Member
Were am from the state bug is the tarantula hawk wasp (Pepsi's Formosa) when the female is ready to lay her eggs she finds a T witch most likely a abhonopelma chaleades then sting's them with paralyzing venom brings them to a burrow lays eggs right on top of the T and the larvae start eating the live :( pore local wild T


Active Member
3 Year Member
But in the other case is that plp sell insects I can find roaming in my house I get a centapid every year in the house about 7 inches seance i been collecting T I've been thinking of keeping the next one that ends up in the house


Active Member
3 Year Member
Holland, Michigan, USA
I remember, i watched one on YT that there are two guys and on their sabana there are lots of T's in different sizes and some are hiding underneath the rocks, and on the same rock there is also an scorpion, different invert are sharing in one rock.... So unsual it is... Then the guy who is doing the video, was saying that if you want's to order wild caught just leave a message...
Yeah...I don't agree with that guy doing that. :mad: I mean catching one or two for yourself (maybe even to breed, rear babies to sell, and let the mature T's go wild again...enhancing the genetic lines in the hobby) I would think is ok, but not distributing all your local T's to anyone who wants one. I saw recently where a guy had collected an Aphonopelma from underneath his outdoor garbage can and was going to keep it. He had one previously that he caught, but couldn't get it to eat for a long period of time, so he let it go. I think that's fine. Again, only if they're NOT a threatened species, and not to sell them. Selling them is what depletes them, IMO. There's not enough collectors to actually deplete a species that's not threatened...if only collecting for themselves. Just clarifying there.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the tarantula hawk wasp. Ugly way to die...:( I can't say I wouldn't step on one if I saw it. Oops. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Its rare that I find true spiders in my home.
Last November I spotted one in the basement, put in a deli cup, fed and watered it. This past week released it outside, took 2 days before it left the deli cup. I guess it liked being pampered in my care. Lol!


Active Member
3 Year Member
Holland, Michigan, USA
Its rare that I find true spiders in my home.
Last November I spotted one in the basement, put in a deli cup, fed and watered it. This past week released it outside, took 2 days before it left the deli cup. I guess it liked being pampered in my care. Lol!
Love that! I just did that with a Gray Tree Frog I found in cold torpor on my driveway. It had warmed up, then a couple weeks later, it snowed a little...and the frog got caught out. Poor thing couldn't even move. It loved being warmed in my T cabinet tho! Same thing as you...went to let it go, and it wouldn't leave the enclosure. So, I kept it for a few more days, power fed it, then forced it out....the squatter! :D


Active Member
3 Year Member
Wow that's so cool I have not seen a frog in the wild in for ever. I get a lot of true spider's thou my garage is full of them I get black widow daddy long legs brown recluse and other unknowns I usually catch and release before the women and children smash them but my t hobby is making me fill like it OK to keep a few that's why I made this thread to see what other think about it


Active Member
3 Year Member
Holland, Michigan, USA
Wow that's so cool I have not seen a frog in the wild in for ever. I get a lot of true spider's thou my garage is full of them I get black widow daddy long legs brown recluse and other unknowns I usually catch and release before the women and children smash them but my t hobby is making me fill like it OK to keep a few that's why I made this thread to see what other think about it
We get all kinds of spiders on the front porch where the porch light is....widows, long legs, little huntsman-looking ones. Even seen some jumpers out there. The light attracts prey, so (duh) it attracts spiders. I captured one that I found in my bathtub a few months ago, just a house spider, cuz it looked dehydrated. It was a bit curled. Put it in a tall pill jar, moist substrate, sprayed so there were droplets everywhere. I saw it drink, so I left to run errands. Came home...it was dead. Oh, well. That's the only one I've ever captured. I have however fed a BIG female orb weaver of some kind that was outside my back door last summer. She had an egg sac, and would just sit there all day and night. So, I threw in a few bugs, and she'd kill them, etc. Fun with nature....lol. Nature is just happy to get a free meal! :D


Active Member
3 Year Member
Like stated above if they are plentiful and not endangered then no harm done. I have quite a few true spiders I have captured inside of my house and put into vials

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