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Uneven abdomen and a venomous spider question


3 Year Member
first Q: my H.Incei gold's abdomen is bigger on one side. She did lay a dud eggsac and her abdomen is kinda brown and has a bald spot. Is this normal? she is a subadult female and she is constantly on the ground so i dont think its from a fall. Second Q: i live in central europe and found a yellow sac spider in my home,i heard these spiders are very venomous and can even kill if you are allergic to them or something. Is this true,and do any of you have any true spiders as pets? im thinking about keeping this one.


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Can't answer the questions except true spiders as pets. I just recently caught a small jumping spider in my office. he's now at home enjoying munching on pinhead roaches :) I have yet to see him "jump" on his prey though, he just runs them down.


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A pic of the tarantula would be helpful. and as for the sac spider ive read they are suspected to be pretty venomous but it is not sure. and if people are allergic than can die from peanut butter....so u cant really use that as a stipulation of whether something is dangerous.


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Outside San Antonio, TX
I've read that the sac and hobo spider rumors are crap..ill try to find the link again, but so you know, I was bitten on the neck by a yellow sac spider. No effect other than itching for about five minutes. Allergies are another matter. Like Entity said, if you're allergic, its going to be bad, no matter what it is, food, venom, fabric, etc. Tarantulas dont have enough peptides to cause an allergic reaction. True spiders do. As do scorpions.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Warminster PA
first Q: my H.Incei gold's abdomen is bigger on one side. She did lay a dud eggsac and her abdomen is kinda brown and has a bald spot. Is this normal? she is a subadult female and she is constantly on the ground so i dont think its from a fall. Second Q: i live in central europe and found a yellow sac spider in my home,i heard these spiders are very venomous and can even kill if you are allergic to them or something. Is this true,and do any of you have any true spiders as pets? im thinking about keeping this one.
My daughter found a sac spider outside a month ago, and we caught it, and put it in an enclosure, like my slings are in. It's thriving. It eats regularly, and webs all over. It has even molted in our care. I don't Kno about the venom aspect, but I can't see it even being able to sink those tiny fangs deep enough to be able to inject venom


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3 Year Member
I've read that the sac and hobo spider rumors are crap..ill try to find the link again, but so you know, I was bitten on the neck by a yellow sac spider. No effect other than itching for about five minutes. Allergies are another matter. Like Entity said, if you're allergic, its going to be bad, no matter what it is, food, venom, fabric, etc. Tarantulas dont have enough peptides to cause an allergic reaction. True spiders do. As do scorpions.
what rumors? i'd be interested to see that link. i've seen what hobo bites can do first hand, well 2nd hand cause it wasn't my hand that got bit ;)


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3 Year Member
Ontario, Canada
I have been bitten by a Cheiracanthium inclusum and it was serious enough that I had to be put on an anti-biotic. Their venom is pretty strong and I was in misery. Having said that, people do not get bitten very often and those spiders are everywhere. I've seen them in every place I have ever lived - every fall they come in and set themselves up in their sac by the ceiling and they usually don't bother me. I was bitten because I rolled over onto them in bed when I was asleep. I even found their little crushed body the following morning. They are very reclusive and usually stick to higher up and avoid you. They are not aggressive and just try to stay out of your way.
I photograph them a lot when I see them because they are very cooperative overall. But what they say about their venom being potent is not crap - it can cause problems and you just need to be aware of it. I'm not suggesting that you kill them, and I still just leave them alone after my experience, but people should be aware in case they are bitten to keep an eye on the reaction they might have.
This is a female from a couple of years back who took up residence in my apartment for the winter.


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Outside San Antonio, TX
I have been bitten by a Cheiracanthium inclusum and it was serious enough that I had to be put on an anti-biotic. Their venom is pretty strong and I was in misery. Having said that, people do not get bitten very often and those spiders are everywhere. I've seen them in every place I have ever lived - every fall they come in and set themselves up in their sac by the ceiling and they usually don't bother me. I was bitten because I rolled over onto them in bed when I was asleep. I even found their little crushed body the following morning. They are very reclusive and usually stick to higher up and avoid you. They are not aggressive and just try to stay out of your way.
I photograph them a lot when I see them because they are very cooperative overall. But what they say about their venom being potent is not crap - it can cause problems and you just need to be aware of it. I'm not suggesting that you kill them, and I still just leave them alone after my experience, but people should be aware in case they are bitten to keep an eye on the reaction they might have.
This is a female from a couple of years back who took up residence in my apartment for the winter.
View attachment 16740
I had one in my shirt, after walking through the inside of a big dam..long story. It was in my collar and I crushed it and it bit me. It itched..and then nothing. Personally I think some folks are just hypersensitive to venom..and I just got up but I read an interesting paper on both of those spiders, ill find it when my brain turns on:) The rumors I was referring to are necrotic bites from both these spiders, wounds similar to a recluse bite? I'll find it again, it was a study, not a blog or anything. The point of the paper was that neither of those spiders was dangerous, like a widow or recluse, but if you're allergic, that's different..but still not as dangerous. That's what I gathered from it..


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Ontario, Canada
My bite was very itchy and then a huge red circle developed that was the size of my entire upper arm. Just a big, angry, hot, red circle with the small bite right in the center. It developed a couple of days after the initial bite, which was very itchy, and I didn't hesitate to go to the doctor. The anti-biotic worked right away and everything was fine.
But the most interesting thing is... for a couple of years later, the bite would become itchy again on and off. I never developed the red circle again, and it didn't stay itchy for long, but it would flare up. I thought that was very interesting. I had heard of people having the same thing happen to spider bites, where they became itchy on and off for years after, but they didn't know what spider bit them. It hasn't bothered me for a couple of years now.


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My bite was very itchy and then a huge red circle developed that was the size of my entire upper arm. Just a big, angry, hot, red circle with the small bite right in the center. It developed a couple of days after the initial bite, which was very itchy, and I didn't hesitate to go to the doctor. The anti-biotic worked right away and everything was fine.
But the most interesting thing is... for a couple of years later, the bite would become itchy again on and off. I never developed the red circle again, and it didn't stay itchy for long, but it would flare up. I thought that was very interesting. I had heard of people having the same thing happen to spider bites, where they became itchy on and off for years after, but they didn't know what spider bit them. It hasn't bothered me for a couple of years now.
That's actually really interesting...wonder if others have had significant parallel reactions to that particular spider. My net is super limited right now, so searching is out for me. But if anyone finds any interesting studies about this tag me please.


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3 Year Member
Ontario, Canada
That is huge, David. Have you any idea what it is? I would post that on as many forums as possible to see if people have had similar experiences. I don't think it is very common.


3 Year Member
she doesnt want to eat,and she did lay a dud egg sac,and her abdomen was normal before she laid them,but she had a brown bald spot


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looks like a tumor. Hopefully she'll eat soon, or she may be on the way out :(


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Outside San Antonio, TX
I've seen pics of spiders with tumors, and video. Sometimes they molt out of it. It may take a few molts to heal, or as kormath said, could be fatal. Check out TarantulaAddict on YouTube, search charlotte, his big stirmi. She had a horrible one, and last I checked she was recovering:)


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3 Year Member
Warminster PA
My adult male T stirmi has that kind of tumor bulge on his abdomen too. I was told by some that sometimes Ts get them. Nothing u can do once a T has it, other than keep it cumfy the rest of its life


3 Year Member
For a yellow sac spider to kill you you would have to have one of 2 thigs happen
1) antaflatic shock reaction.. (if your allergic, a house spider could just as well kill you)
2) your stupid and ignor a infection that kickes off a perfect storm reaction that turns into a fleash eating secondary infection (which is can happen with recluse like bits)
In reality its fairly harmless other then haveing just a generly nasty bite that will fester for a while, becuse it almost always comes with a secondary infection...... while i have seen the yellow sac on the top 10 venomous list their is almost no real reason it should kill you, ye5 alone put you in a hospital (less then 5 percent of bits)
Anti inflamatorys and a few days of good care, bit cured on its own... after a week no change, see a doctor. If you condition starts going bad fast, go to er

A poki or obt typicly has a worse bite

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