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Ok, I think I will make a care sheet of how I think it will be happy in captivity so here we go:
Diet: crickets, locusts, super worms, meal worms, (other spiders only in the wild in captivity, if you feed them other spiders you risk loosing your little spider).
Spider size: 5 inch
Spider color: this is unnecessary but black and white mostly white
Substrate: 14 inches of really lose sand desert sand is the best for there burrows.
Compatibility with each other : Only one should live in a tank at a time.
Temperature: in the winter 25 degrees celcius and in summer 30 degrees celcius.
Genders: can easily be told, the males have bigger pedipalps then the females so that's like most spiders.
Breeding: its just like breeding tarantulas only more risky the male is in grave danger he is risking his live if he doesn't satisfy the female he's done.
Now I'm done.
P.s I know this stuff cuse I live in namibia. Thanks