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To offer food?


Ontario, Canada
I’m sure this has been covered a thousand times, but I also know there are different answers and opinions on everything. And as a new tarantula owner, just like anything new, I’m always second guessing myself.

About a week after getting my E. campestratus sling (approx.1.5”) they stopped eating (this T even ate for me the day they were shipped) and started digging. They are now completely blocked in the two small pieces of cork I put in the deli cup. They are not coming out at all, not even for water. I’m home 24/7 and even if I thought they were coming out at night the dirt isn’t the slightest bit disturbed. They are alive, I picked up the deli and saw them all the way down at the bottom, where they’ve removed all dirt.

I assume this is a pre-moult situation, but my question is, should I offer any food at all? They aren’t a pre-killed fan and I don’t want to put anything in there that could bother them. I’m also suspecting they won’t take it if they aren’t coming up at all. I’ve had snakes go all winter not eating, but I still always offered. It’s hard to offer to something that has barricaded the doors, lol.


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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Personally, I put food in, if I can remove it easily after 24 hours if uneaten. I then leave the food overnight. As like that, I am giving them a choice.

We have close to 100 tarantulas. So for us, feeding is check the water. Top up or change as is appropriate, then pop in an appropriate sized cricket. Some do come out at night. Some do eat. Or in some enclosures with undercover T's in them, food disappears.


Ontario, Canada
Personally, I put food in, if I can remove it easily after 24 hours if uneaten. I then leave the food overnight. As like that, I am giving them a choice.

We have close to 100 tarantulas. So for us, feeding is check the water. Top up or change as is appropriate, then pop in an appropriate sized cricket. Some do come out at night. Some do eat. Or in some enclosures with undercover T's in them, food disappears.
Would I be able to use mealworm pupae? They don’t really go anywhere and I’ve always got some because my gecko generally doesn’t eat them? If I tried a cricket should I take out the water bowl or put something in it? They’d drown in it for sure and with T having built everything up there isn’t much room for the cricket to roam.