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the differences between 2 of same species is amazing.

Louisville KY
In March I bought 2 T. Albopilosus both roughly 3/8 inch in size. One has eaten 4 times since then, small super worms, and finally molted for the first time yesterday and barely looks like it has grown at all. The other one is a monster, close to 1 3/4 inch already. It will eat anything it can. I can put pre-killed crickets and it will eat till its full and then put what's left in its water dish. It molted about 2 weeks ago and already acting like its going into pre-molt.

The first one is always hiding in it's burrow. So I remove a lot of food that it hasn't touched. I have both of them in 4 x 4 x 4 tarantula cribs.
The big guy is all over the place and comes out every night, so I feed him at night. As fast as its growing I figure its a male.

I will try and get pictures, if I can.


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Malton, UK
I bought 3 T. albopilosus back in 2014, two of them burrowed to the bottom of their containers while the other used its hide.. The 2 that burrowed eventually emerged and spent most of their time in full view, they both died within a month of each other aged 4, both males. The 3rd is still with me, still uses her hide, is still very shy and will bolt for cover at the slightest disturbance.
Louisville KY
The larger of the two uses the hide mostly, but its burrow starts in the hide. so if I open the enclosure it shoots down into the bottom of the enclosure. Cleanest tarantula ever. always cleans out the burrow and puts everything in the water bowl.