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Temp and humidity


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Tarantula Club Member
A lot of pet stores have them or Amazon. I like the ones that record high low temps and if it does the same for humidity that is fine, but I have mostly arid terrestrials and I am not concerned so much with humidity. I have some that have sensors on cords and some with out the cords. I am not at home so can't post pictures or name names.


Active Member
Just like @DustyD said they can be found pretty easily but if I were you the only species I would even bother getting that device is for theraphosa or the asian species that requires alot of humidity. :) Its always good to have those around though in case if you plan to get species that require alot of humidity :)

Tn tarantula

Active Member
A lot of pet stores have them or Amazon. I like the ones that record high low temps and if it does the same for humidity that is fine, but I have mostly arid terrestrials and I am not concerned so much with humidity. I have some that have sensors on cords and some with out the cords. I am not at home so can't post pictures or name names.
I got some violet tree spiders and a Sabah so blue which they require a good amount of humidity
A lot of pet stores have them or Amazon. I like the ones that record high low temps and if it does the same for humidity that is fine, but I have mostly arid terrestrials and I am not concerned so much with humidity. I have some that have sensors on cords and some with out the cords. I am not at home so can't post pictures or name names.


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3 Year Member
I keep all of the above and use no gauges. Unless you're using lab grade equipment, none are accurate. It comes with experience and is a fine line between moist and mold. There seems to be an aging process too. Along with that, a healthy colony of springtails is extremely beneficial, along with a good substrate mix. Fyi - vermiculite and peat are good at retaining moisture along with being a bacterial/mold deterrent.


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1,000+ Post Club
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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Forget humidity. And start thinking of it as something which is achieved by the correct husbandry. Get the environment correct & humidity will follow. As it is not something that you can fake successfully.
Also, forget those meters. They are inaccurate. I had a number of them sitting around here. As I stopped using them in enclosures. So I put them togther & the difference I saw in both temperature & humidity readings, despite them all sitting millimetres from each other was ridiculous.
