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Tarantula pulled fang out


3 Year Member
Really bad news. My L.difficilis somehow got it's fang stuck in the screen top of the tank that it has lived in for four years. I noticed it wasn't moving much so I took the top off to investigate, and when I disturbed her, she pulled her body hard and pulled her fang out.

She is dripping white fluid, her mouth looks a bit bloody, and she isn't moving much right now. Put her in a smaller container with moist towels and some heat. Hoping she pulls through.

Worst thing is that there isn't an emergency exotic vet in my state apparently, and the closest one closed before I could make the drive out.

I feel like **** right now. Hope she pulls through.


New Member
3 Year Member
The Tarantula Keepers Guide has ICU tips and tips to try to stop bleeding!!! For Future reference, screen tops are horrible. My G. rosea used to climb on theirs and almost pulled a leg off when getting a tarsal claw stuck. Get rid of the metal screening and contruct a built to fit acrylic lid with handles and ventilation holes. If you want instructions on how to make a safe lid easiest or where to get supplies, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I hope your T pulls through, man!!!!


3 Year Member
The screening isn't like mesh, it has huge holes, but it got caught between where the one piece is pressed into the other. I siliconed the whole area that is pressed in, so she can still climb and do what she wants without getting caught. The holes in it are about 1/8 an inch.

I took her to emergency vet and even though the doc wasn't too sure, he assured me he did some tarantula work before. He patched her up and filled the hole with this synthetic skin. She was a bit woosy at the anesthetic, but never fully passed out.

It has been about three days now and she is up to full speed, and she even ate a cricket I threw in, so I'm assuming thing worked out!

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