First a little background info as it may be helpful. My Tarantula is a brachypelma boehmei I’ve had it for about 5 years now and he was just a sling when I first received him.(I say he but this is only my guess as I’ve never had him properly sexed). This is the first T I’ve ever kept as a pet. His enclosure contains a hide made from half a coconut, a small water dish and the substrate is vermiculite.
Yesterday morning I woke up quite early to find him on his back under a web mat he had created I was a little confused at how he’d got into this position but I assumed that he was in molt and so decided to leave him alone.
When I returned hours later expecting to find him molted but he had not although he was no longer on his back. Throughout the rest of the day he was acting fairly normal walking about the enclosure.
Later last night however he crawled into his water dish and has remained there ever since. His front legs are scrunched tight. There is about 2mm of water in the dish at the moment I haven’t seen any movement from him since getting into this position and I’m just wondering if this is normal T behaviour or something else?
I have attatched images of the web mat I found him laying under and him hiding in his water dish
Yesterday morning I woke up quite early to find him on his back under a web mat he had created I was a little confused at how he’d got into this position but I assumed that he was in molt and so decided to leave him alone.
When I returned hours later expecting to find him molted but he had not although he was no longer on his back. Throughout the rest of the day he was acting fairly normal walking about the enclosure.
Later last night however he crawled into his water dish and has remained there ever since. His front legs are scrunched tight. There is about 2mm of water in the dish at the moment I haven’t seen any movement from him since getting into this position and I’m just wondering if this is normal T behaviour or something else?
I have attatched images of the web mat I found him laying under and him hiding in his water dish