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T. stirmi climbing, not eating, need advice


New Member
3 Year Member
Hi all! So I have a sub adult T. stirmi boy, and for a long while he was mostly sitting around in his hide. The past couple of days though, he started wandering around the tank. He's been trying to climb up the sides almost non stop, which he's never done before, so I had to put more substrate in just incase. Now I tried to feed him today and for the first time, he refused his food. He's never refused before, is something wrong? I feel like something must be stressing him out all of a sudden, but I have no idea what. Nothing has changed as far as I can tell.

Temp is 23 C (73.4 F) but I'm not sure about the humidity because I can't find the thing that measures it :oops: I overflow the water dish every day though, and pour a little into the corner too. The substrate is damp all over, and there's good ventilation. It doesn't look like he's in premoult, so I'm not sure what's going on.


Active Member
3 Year Member
Maybe he thinks that he's a MM already or just getting some practice in when he does turn:)


New Member
3 Year Member
Well, he's finally gone back in his hide... I think he just waited for me to put a post up, then decided he'd had enough of messing with me :rolleyes: I haven't tried him with food again yet, I'll wait a couple days. On the plus side, I got worried enough to immediately order another hygrometer and a big bag of vermiculite just incase. No doubt I'll find the missing one now :p I hope his practice was worth it!

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