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I'm announcing a new series for the month of October. Every weekend I will post a vintage "classic" (B) Spider movie for your entertainment. Count Floyd will be the MC and introduce the first matinee followed by SPIDER CHILLER HORROR THEATRE!!!
Some are in 3D, so make sure to send me $27 for your very own duel colored lens 3D glasses boys and girls. It twill be rreeealy scarry!
Our first movie tonight is a rreeeal treet as our feature begins co-starring our own lovely Casey K as the innocent "Cat Lady". Her photogenic on screen magnetism gives a very convincing perrrr-formance in Dr. Tongue's House of Cats!

Hope you enjoyed our first feature boys and girls. Grab some popcorn, your 3D glasses and someone to snuggle up to when you get rrreeealy scared.

Question. What's scarier than Atrax Robustus making a home of your nose in the middle of the night?
"All of my Phoneutrias escaped in my bedroom. I've got the pill bottles and egg crates set up; here's hoping it has some success in attracting the little guys. I've already ordered 23 more Ts to console myself," says the young entomologist who hopes to be appointed Captain James T. Kirk's new science officer replacing the late Spock of the Star Ship Enterprise. Speaking of whom Kirk, aka. Shat, stars in our second of the double feature tonight.
Kingdom of the Spiders!!!
What happens when the spiders ESCAPE?!!!
And you thought Everglades pythons were bad.


Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member

I have to admit that the transition scene where you transformed into the little kitty, went from cute to cute.

I would've preferred being transformed into a tiger ;) but yes, it was entertaining.
Hope you enjoyed the first double feature.

How would you like to be the T Wrangler hired for that movie? Riding around horseback with your cowboy hat and lasso, yelling, "Get along little doggies, get along!"
I've never tried to herd cats OR Ts, but I think some of you might've. :)
I don't know about you boys and girls, but I was terrified by what might've happened to the little Ts. Oh my, did they get harmed in the making of the movie?
Here is the big exclusive interview with William Shatner that you've all been waiting for!
(If you don't want to watch it all, the part about the way they handled them is in the first few minutes. ) Let us know what you think!



Well-Known Member
L.F.O.D. 603 1312ACAB
Hope you enjoyed the first double feature.

How would you like to be the T Wrangler hired for that movie? Riding around horseback with your cowboy hat and lasso, yelling, "Get along little doggies, get along!"
I've never tried to herd cats OR Ts, but I think some of you might've. :)
I don't know about you boys and girls, but I was terrified by what might've happened to the little Ts. Oh my, did they get harmed in the making of the movie?
Here is the big exclusive interview with William Shatner that you've all been waiting for!
(If you don't want to watch it all, the part about the way they handled them is in the first few minutes. ) Let us know what you think!

Hope you enjoyed the first double feature.

How would you like to be the T Wrangler hired for that movie? Riding around horseback with your cowboy hat and lasso, yelling, "Get along little doggies, get along!"
I've never tried to herd cats OR Ts, but I think some of you might've. :)
I don't know about you boys and girls, but I was terrified by what might've happened to the little Ts. Oh my, did they get harmed in the making of the movie?
Here is the big exclusive interview with William Shatner that you've all been waiting for!
(If you don't want to watch it all, the part about the way they handled them is in the first few minutes. ) Let us know what you think!

I ended up watching the whole movie last night lmao but I find it really hard to believe that only a few tarantulas were harmed!!!!
the part of me that loves cheesy horror movies thought it was awesome, but the part of me that cares for living things was less then impressed

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Usually, in movies, animals are unharmed and exotic animals are handled by professionals that know how to deal with them.
I agree for the most part but back then probably not so much
It was still entertaining and I enjoyed watching it
I was wondering about the car scene and the fire extinguisher scene. The spiders on kirk scenes looked like he handled them really well from what I could see reviewing them over and again. At 2:30+ he goes into it.
I used to act with wildlife each week...sometimes Ts. It was for the sake of educating through entertainment. I probably should have gotten a TV series and later YouTube channel, but went in another direction. I'm only saying that to let you in on a trade secret. ....
I combined my acting experience with my education and passion for wildlife. This resulted in crowds and PR for the animals. People were able to experience close to life reality shows that educated them, thus removing phobias that worked better than a big mental hospital full of psychiatrists, prescriptions and folks suffering from paranoia. Not bragging, it's just reality.

Short story....
I was honored to have The largest media company headquarters in my state ask me to guest host their big live morning show. They have stations and relay towers covering whole state. I walk in with my animals and the head secretary was a drop dead gorgeous beyond supermodel with a great personality and no ring. We had an exceptional conversation while I waited. No wonder she had that job. Bad news was that she had a SERIOUS," I GOT TO LEAVE THE FLOOR! I'M HAVING A PANIC ATTACK "terror of spiders!! !
It was because she saw my tank with Harriet my Red Knee. She promptly paged the station manager as she fled. I have to admit that my infatuation at first sight was dashed by her serious fear and repulsion to Harriet. Now, I thought, we would never work out. Oh well. What a shame. There goes the awesome (potential) couple idea. What in the world am I thinking, we only just met.....so what.(palm to forehead. Eyes roll.)

I was on the morning show with Jim and Kay, everyone having fun talking critters, Ts and promoting our shows. I was Invited to be their future co-host. I never had a job offer on the air. Awesome possum! Both Fonzi thumbs up. Two and a half hours later, I'm leaving with my cages and helpers. The secretary's offices were combined in that huge room on the way out of the studio floor. The staff was all listening and dozens crowded around. I got stuck answering questions in her office and we couldn't move through as more came in.

After someone asked me to take out Harriet, I said "no, it would scare some people". Then I heard from the other side of the room standing on her chair or desk the secretary trying to see; and she said in a soft voice, "Yes, it's OK." Surprised, I took Harriet out and held her in my hands while everyone seemed fascinated...checking her out like a rare hope diamond. Next thing I know Miss Universe pushed her way through the crowd and stood facing me....Hmmm...this is an interesting change of attitude I never expected from THE most terrified arachniphobe that I ever met.

To MY surprise, she asked if she could hold Harriet! Yes, you heard me right and I heard her repeat that over and over. I declined because I thought that she would panic and my little girl would go flying. Anyhow, I finally gave into those puppy dog eyes and begging. Then I gently coached her as to how to hold Harriet and let me know the moment she gets scared. It was as intimate a moment as one can have in a crowd. She enjoyed the experience so much that she didn't want to hand her over to me. Harriet liked her too. She was sooo happy and felt good about herself having conquered a lifetime fear.... How many Psychiatrists see results like THAT in One session?
Before YouTube there was something called a Drive-In movie theater. There are still a couple in existence. You clean your car windshield, drive to a field of what looks like parking meters. After buying the ticket, you park in front of the big screen and hook the "meter", which is the speaker, onto your window. Then you snuggle up to your boyfriend, a box of popcorn and your favorite drink.
Then they showed a double feature. Sometimes it was as good as the Kingdom of the Spiders.....
William Shatner, aka. Rack Hansen, aka Capt. Kombat Kirk (works well with furries...Tribbles and Tarantulas)
Tiffany Bolling as Tarantula Babe, aka Casey K.,
and last,
Woody Strode as the Expendable edible Extra

Next feature we had the first in the Dr. Tongue series starting with House of Cats, not to be confused with Vincent Price's House of Wax.
Your host Joe Flaherty as Count Floyd
Give it up for the count!
John Candy as the creepy Dr. Tongue,
Give it up for...
The lovely and talented Casey K. aka. FemLeTigress, aka. Katherine O'Hara "Cat Woman" !
" Meeooow! "

Since Drive In theaters are out and "Social Distancing" is the option for now, here's the plan.
I have a list, but want you all to come up with your favorites, or spider/T movies you'd like to see. Either post here or feel free to PM. See you next weekend.

Have a great week!


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