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New Member
Bristol, UK
Ok thxs ill try but im still all new at this so i have no clue where to look and stuff
I spend most of my time looking through thespidershop.co.uk. they seem to have the best range of options ive seen so far. Just took the plunge and ordered 4 slings. Postage was a few quid though.


New Member
3 Year Member
Kentford, Suffolk, Uk
I've had 3 slings since I joined the hobby last year. Started with a B smithi about 1cm DLS, then bought a C versicolor the same size and a G pulchra about 1.5cm DLS.

They're all doing well but if your starting with a Brachy or any other slow growing species bear in mind it will be a year or two until they look cool (hairy/colours etc.).

Nice being able to grow with them in confidence as they grow in size and the G pulchra is a great eater which is always fun to watch.