I am very interested in possibly getting a Poecilotheria with my upcoming T order. I'm lucky enough to have a local breeder friend who has nearly every variety available as slings. (I'm interested in a rufilata.)
I am still a little unsure if I have enough experience to handle the speed and the venom potency. I have a collection of about 26 species. Many of them are terrestrial new world slings. I do have a juvenile OBT, C. marshalli, and H. pulchripes. The larger Ts in my collection include a 6" T. apophysis, 5" A. seemanni, a 6" P. auratus, a 4" A. avicularia, a 4" A. chalcodes, a 4' GBB, and a 4" A. geniculata.
I definitely have a gap in experience with a faster arboreal species. I've heard some people say that a Psalmopoeus might be a good stepping stone, which is fine since I planned on getting an irminia and victori eventually anyway. What do you all think?
I am still a little unsure if I have enough experience to handle the speed and the venom potency. I have a collection of about 26 species. Many of them are terrestrial new world slings. I do have a juvenile OBT, C. marshalli, and H. pulchripes. The larger Ts in my collection include a 6" T. apophysis, 5" A. seemanni, a 6" P. auratus, a 4" A. avicularia, a 4" A. chalcodes, a 4' GBB, and a 4" A. geniculata.
I definitely have a gap in experience with a faster arboreal species. I've heard some people say that a Psalmopoeus might be a good stepping stone, which is fine since I planned on getting an irminia and victori eventually anyway. What do you all think?