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Poecitheria preferability


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
For those who really enjoy and consider Poecs their must haves, I am just curious as to what drew you to them. I see a lot of people across various countries recommend and favor them, and I'm curious as to what made you like them since I seem to be the odd ball out who doesn't quite get the fascination. Anyone care to enlighten me? :)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Ah. Interesting. I have an arboreal t who does some of that like 'stretching' posture too which I find adorable, so I can see that point there.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
New York
I also used to not find them appealing but lately I've been really interested in getting one. I like the contrast of the coloration on P.Regalis and the tinges of purple on P.Subfusca.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Hmm..maybe than it will be a time thing for me. I like dark contrasts, and sleek looks so you'd think I'd find them appealing but I don't yet. Or it could just be that Taps have my heart more.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
This was the genus that really got me into arboreals. Ironically, years ago when I was still arachnophobic, I found the photographs of them to be terrifying. Hahaha Personally, I just love the sleek look of them and the patterning. I just find them very "regal" and distinguished looking for tarantulas. Now that I've had pokies for a few years, I've actually been branching out and acquiring other arboreals, like the Tappis. :)

As far as personal tastes go, I think the cool part about this hobby is that most folks seem to have their favorite genus and species. It's a good thing, too, as I can't tell you how many species I've "discovered" because a keeper was talking about how cool they were. :)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Ah cool. Thanks Tom. I always appreciate your insight. You've definitely helped me make a few T keeping decisions via conversations through e-mail (including my start into this hobby with the B cabocla..whose still fat):).

For me, I think my fascination with the Tappis come from not just the sleek also "regal" look of them, but that satin shine they seem to have that make them so distinct. Not sure what my favorite species is yet though.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Ah cool. Thanks Tom. I always appreciate your insight. You've definitely helped me make a few T keeping decisions via conversations through e-mail (including my start into this hobby with the B cabocla..whose still fat):).

For me, I think my fascination with the Tappis come from not just the sleek also "regal" look of them, but that satin shine they seem to have that make them so distinct. Not sure what my favorite species is yet though.

The B. cabocla needs to just molt already! ;)

I can definitely appreciate your love for the Taps...they are definitely growing on me as well. I'll be curious to see if your tastes change as you keep more species. I know there were species that I had no interest in years ago that I'm now fascinated by. The P. cancerides was one of those, now this is one of my favorite tarantulas. Of course, before all's said and done, I'll probably want them all. Hahah


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
The B. cabocla needs to just molt already! ;)

I can definitely appreciate your love for the Taps...they are definitely growing on me as well. I'll be curious to see if your tastes change as you keep more species. I know there were species that I had no interest in years ago that I'm now fascinated by. The P. cancerides was one of those, now this is one of my favorite tarantulas. Of course, before all's said and done, I'll probably want them all. Hahah

I'm sure yours collection will outgrow mine super soon hah. I am curious too as I will be getting my first dwarf Ts soon, and my first OW and then I think I will have one of each general "type" though my current burrower refuses to burrow and just makes traps haha.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
I'm sure yours collection will outgrow mine super soon hah. I am curious too as I will be getting my first dwarf Ts soon, and my first OW and then I think I will have one of each general "type" though my current burrower refuses to burrow and just makes traps haha.

If I don't watch it, my collection might outgrow my house soon. Hahaha. You've certainly got one cool and diverse collection, even with your "trap" spider. :)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
If I don't watch it, my collection might outgrow my house soon. Hahaha. You've certainly got one cool and diverse collection, even with your "trap" spider. :)
Mine is barely contained to my room..and that's the only room they are allowed in here. I do have a diverse collection because I just don't fully know for sure wha I really like, though I'm pretty sure. But hey, maybe the dwarves will take my heart away from the Tappis (though I doubt it). I still want all of them, even the gigas which are my least favorite of all of them, but maybe thats because of what I hear about their attitude being more feisty than the rest of the genus.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
They're my favorite genus as a whole. There is no other genus that comes close to being similar to them, in terms of looks.

Pretty much every member of the genus has attractive patterning. Even the most plain species (like P. miranda or P. formosa) are more attractive than any other arboreal. They're also built the nicest of any arboreal, sleek but not too skinny and leggy, and also get the largest of the arboreals (O. violaceopes is the only arboreal that comes close to the size of the large Pokies).

They're also really good eaters, in general, and don't hide as much as many other OWs (depending on how you set them up).

They're just so different from anything else, with their unique and attractive patterning. This is all my opinion, of course.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
They're my favorite genus as a whole. There is no other genus that comes close to being similar to them, in terms of looks.

Pretty much every member of the genus has attractive patterning. Even the most plain species (like P. miranda or P. formosa) are more attractive than any other arboreal. They're also built the nicest of any arboreal, sleek but not too skinny and leggy, and also get the largest of the arboreals (O. violaceopes is the only arboreal that comes close to the size of the large Pokies).

They're also really good eaters, in general, and don't hide as much as many other OWs (depending on how you set them up).

They're just so different from anything else, with their unique and attractive patterning. This is all my opinion, of course.
Well, of course its your opinion, I asked for peoples opinions and I would expect nothing less haha :). And thanks for sharing yours, of course, too.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Mine is barely contained to my room..and that's the only room they are allowed in here. I do have a diverse collection because I just don't fully know for sure wha I really like, though I'm pretty sure. But hey, maybe the dwarves will take my heart away from the Tappis (though I doubt it). I still want all of them, even the gigas which are my least favorite of all of them, but maybe thats because of what I hear about their attitude being more feisty than the rest of the genus.

Gigas was the first Tappi I acquired, as I'm a sucker for orange Ts with attitude. :) It definitely won't be my last, though.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Gigas was the first Tappi I acquired, as I'm a sucker for orange Ts with attitude. :) It definitely won't be my last, though.
Gigas will probably be the last Tappi I acquire, cause I prefer the more reclusive ones when startled but all that may change but for now gigas are last on my list though regardless I still think their orange are better than OBT orange.

Have your gigas guys molted yet? I was surprised when my sp Colombia did.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
Poecilotheria have always reminded me of oversized wolf spiders..I like them, especially certain ones, but I made that comparison when I had just gotten into the hobby and it stuck with me. I think a few Poecis are a must have, I just never caught the fever I guess. I really like both of mine, but would trade a Poeci for one of the giant brown terrestrials faster than you could say "Pamphobeteus". I'm still getting a few more Poecis though, eventually, they just aren't near the top of the list.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
I do want one, they are arboreal and i find I really enjoy the, arboreal types, and lets face it they are lovely, and interesting. But I am honestly mad about the avics. So I
think I'll focus more on them for a while, and maybe a couple more T ockerti, mine has an attitude since last molt and shes adorable flicking her little leg over her bottom. Definitely one of my fav T's and I'm rather pleased with myself that its done so well :D
Basically though, I prefer the bigger thick T's I just don't really want a room full of pet holes.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I like arboreals as well, but everyone everywhere (practically) always recommends them. I'm guessing they arent sheen-y enough for me haha.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Warminster PA
For those who really enjoy and consider Poecs their must haves, I am just curious as to what drew you to them. I see a lot of people across various countries recommend and favor them, and I'm curious as to what made you like them since I seem to be the odd ball out who doesn't quite get the fascination. Anyone care to enlighten me? :)
I wasn't a fan at first. I bought a P metallica sling and fell in love with the species. They are stunning to look at. They grow fast. They eat a ton. I love watching them build their enclosures and stretch out laying down. Lastly, I love watching them groom their long legs....bending them like a yoga Jedi

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