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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Gauteng , South-Africa
Hey guys so I've been looking for an awesome arboreal for my collection for a while now. The local shop near my house has a gorgeous P.iminia sling for sale. And it's not a bad price. Anyone on the forum have one? Can you maybe tell me something about them?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there just a thread like this created like yesterday? [emoji14] I think you received plenty of good advice in that one. I don't know what else we can tell you besides what we already included in our posts there. [emoji14]

Psalmopoeus irminia
Venezuelan Suntiger
NW arboreal
No urticating hairs just like all Psalmopoeus
Size: 5 to 6 inches
Venom Strength: Medium
Speed: Fast
Temperament: skittish and defensive
Growth Rate: Medium/Fast
Experience Level: Intermediate
Set-Up: I keep arboreal slings in a tall deli cup or rice container with holes drilled into the sides for ventilation. For juveniles I keep them in a tall 1 Gal plastic jar or container. Mainstays is a great brand to look for. Adults go in a tall 5 gallon enclosure or sterlite container. Typical arboreal set-Up will do, although these will sometimes build a hide on or near the ground, especially when younger.
Behavior: The most reclusive of the genus, and will spend the majority of its time hidden. At night they will occasionally venture out a short distance. Like Old Worlds, They are very sensitive to lights being shined on them. Psalmopoeus are all capable of incredible speeds and can be quite defensive, P.irminia probably being the most defensive out of them all.