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Okay, so things have been going pretty swimmingly up until last night.


Well-Known Member
This little fella liked to make me faint. It was in a full blown death curl last night didn’t take pictures and kicking myself. I had it in a different enclosure. I check on it every several days. Well I looked in, it crawled out of it burrow oddly. It looked like it was running for me, then went into a death curl. I immediately put it into this cube on a fake leaf. I dribbled water onto it’s mouth parts. It didn’t look dehydrated because it’s abdomen is still quite plump. Well tonight it’s acting normal? It did a complete 180. Have you ever had tarantulas play dead? This is the second favorite of my T’s and it took so long to get it to this size… I was distraught. Now it looks like it was a fluke or she was playing?


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