Hitarantulas are opportunistic eaters.They will eat as much as possible and then once full they will refuse food till after moult.Its ok to give your Ts couple of large meals post moult(After they have hardened ) but overfeeding is asking for long fasts and possible going into hiding while that fast lasts.One appropriate size pray item or two smaller ones once a week will be more than enough and if abdomen gets too large skipping meal or two will be good idea if water is always availableRegards Konstantin
tarantulas are opportunistic eaters.They will eat as much as possible and then once full they will refuse food till after moult.Its ok to give your Ts couple of large meals post moult(After they have hardened ) but overfeeding is asking for long fasts and possible going into hiding while that fast lasts.
One appropriate size pray item or two smaller ones once a week will be more than enough and if abdomen gets too large skipping meal or two will be good idea if water is always available
Regards Konstantin